Where can I download GTA2?

GTA2 v11.44 (Windows 11 compatible*) – [17MB] (this version has no music or intro, I should really add them back in sometime, I made this years ago)

I recommend installing to “c:\games” or your documents folder. Installing to “c:\program files” is not a good idea since that folder is often protected by Windows and may prevent GTA2 and GTA2 Game Hunter from writing to the folder. If GTA2 crashes on launch then right click on the icon and select “Run as administrator”. The installer doesn’t create any desktop shortcuts or start menu items, so you’ll have to do that yourself.

Running GTA2 in Windows 98/ME compatibility mode can help reduce some crashes.

If you want to play GTA2 on Linux, read this guide.

* May require running as admin, changing folder permissions or offering a sacrifice to the GTA2 gods.

About this release

This is an unofficial version of GTA2, so don’t expect any support from Rockstar Games. It has numerous unofficial bug fixes and improvements patched into the executable. If you would like to know exactly what has changed, see the gta2.exe changelog.

Due to all these changes, this release is the ONLY release supported by GTA2 Game Hunter. Now that you have this release, you do not need any other patches.

How do I play online?

Get GTA2 Game Hunter – the best way for finding GTA2 multiplayer opponents. It’s a small and free program that can be used to meet GTA2 players, hang out and play GTA2 multiplayer games. Warning: May require hours of port forwarding/firewall troubleshooting.

GTA2 tools and editors

You can get GTA2 tools and editors here.

GTA2 official printable maps and manual

GTA2 PDF maps – 2MB

This PDF contains images of the Downtown, Residential and Industrial maps that were included with the boxed version of GTA2.

GTA2 PDF manual – 635KB

There are several mistakes in the manual. The multiplayer section sounds like they are describing GTA1, you can’t select a character in GTA2. The error used to be mentioned on the support site.

GTA2 guides and other info:

Old versions of GTA2 required setting your desktop to 16bit colours to run the game in a window but v11.39 and newer can run in a window with 32bit colours (the menu has display glitches).

GTA2 network setup information and the list of ports that need forwarding. – 100KB

Ben Millards’s GTA2 multiplayer tips

digitalfl’s GTA2 multiplayer tips

Step by step guide to starting a GTA2 multiplayer game without using Game Hunter

Other GTA2 sites – Grand Theft Auto Wiki – contains item/vehicle location maps for all cities – The modern GTA sections are very popular but the old school forum doesn’t get many posts anymore.

GTA2 multiplayer screenshots – All taken by Sektor, years ago, mostly to keep a record of the Australian GTA2 players.

73 thoughts on “GTA2”

  1. Lol on every website the Editor dont work.
    Now thisone 2 lol

    And some peaple can edit and wont tell were thy got the editor from.

  2. John… you cant save in gta2 whenever you would like.. you have to get a certain shitton amount of money than go to a church/.. its 50k i think per save,,..

  3. shittest game every played…
    guys Try SAMP, VCMP, LCMP its more liking this realy sucks!

  4. Pretty good post. This is my first time reading your blog and from what I’ve read so far, I will be coming back. Subscribed to your RSS feed and hope you will post more soon.

  5. all 3 of the gta 2 downloads are not working for me I using a window xp. Help ples

  6. well i downloaded the gta file at the top of the page thet said Self-extracting. i clicked on the icon to play it and it starts to go in to full screen mode while screen is black it closes

  7. Why would you strip the radio files for god’s sake?! That’s like the best part of the game! I guess my search for a playable version of the game continues…

  8. Can you tell me gta2 version bugged with fly using molotov/grenades? where i can download it?

  9. Very good game.I am a fanatic of these games like the one of gbcolor and advance.I only whant to know the controls of these game.Somebody can tell me??

  10. Hello there,

    I get the error (0xc0000022) failed to initialize.. quite annoying since it says win 8.1 compatible.

    yes I run it in admin mode and tried all compatible modes.

    hope someone can help me out,

  11. 0xc0000022 error solved:

    Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows Features on or off -> Checkmark the Legacy Components (DirectPlay).

  12. Is there anything to do for that issue? Like adding the files to location where it installed from the original cd? Because I can’t run my original game and the new version is better. Thank you for the reply 🙂

  13. I just had the same issue where I had the original CD with the radio on, basically all you need to do is copy the GTAudio folder into your data folder and it should work, mine did 🙂

  14. What could it be if there is no radio when entering a car? There is no single song or any radio station… Can you please help? Thank you!

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