
2006-10-27 – CheatDevice 1.0d PRX for GTA:LCS PSP
"New PRX version for use with DevHook! Works with any emulated firmware version. Works with the new patched US disk and the original US and UK disks. Sorry, the patched UK disk is not currently supported."

2006-10-25 – VC-MP v0.3
Vice City Multiplayer v0.3 has been released.


  • netcode (allows 50 players now)
  • sync (smoother sync overall)
  • browser (SA:MP browser interface)
  • admin (in-game commands added)


  • synced pickups (defined thru ini)
  • maximum flight height raised
  • tires popping is synced
  • added chat commands /msg and /me
  • armour bars added above health bars
  • bugs fixed

Download from vicecitymultiplayer.com

2006-10-24 – Vice City Stories PSP – All multiplayer modes revealed
Thanks to PSM magazine and gtapsp.com, we now know all the VCS multiplayer modes and details. Check my Vice City Stories page for all the info.

2006-10-24 – Rollercoaster slaughter
Bowling + Rollercoaster = Fun!

2006-10-23 – GTA2 Game Hunter v1.475

  • Added /whois nick and /wi. This lets you see how long a player has been idle in the chat and also how long ago they connected.
  • Debug registry key was still being deleted on exit (I accidentally used .DeleteKey instead of .DeleteValue).

Download from the GTA2 page
Please contact me, if you find any bugs.

2006-10-22 – Tiny Town and Face Off – No Invulnerabilty
I patched Tiny Town and Face Off to remove the invulnerabilty powerup. Extract to GTA2\data. It won’t replace your existing scripts, so you can still play the original with invul.
Download: faceoff_tinytown_noinvul.zip 42KB

2006-10-22 – GTA2 Game Hunter v1.474

  • If a comment ended in C, J or JR then no one would see your game in the list
  • The currently selected map is now displayed in the titlebar on the create game screen
  • Game comments are sent as a private message when a player tries to join your game. This means all versions will see the comments.
  • "/QUIT msg" is supported. To prevent quit message spam, the server doesn’t display a custom quit message if you only recently connected.
  • "/NICK name" is supported.
  • Most GTA2 debug registry settings are now left alone (only skip frontend and script/map/style name are modified) – edit: oops I was wrong, it still deletes the debug registry key on exit.
  • Hamachi password is now correctly sent to joiners
  • When joining a Hamachi game, GTA2 IP is set to blank (for automatic searching) instead of
  • IRC password can now be set to nothing

2006-10-21 – Payback for GP2X – playable demo
If you are one of the few who own a GP2X portable system then you might be interested in the GTA clone Payback. A playable demo has recently been released.

GP2X.co.uk official site

2006-10-20 – Vice City Stories multiplayer
IGN has a preview of some of the Vice City Stories multiplayer modes. As was already known, it will not support online/internet play. All the modes from Liberty City Stories are there and a few new ones. Some of the street races now require you to switch vehicle several times during the race. You could start in a car, switch to a boat, switch to a chopper and finally back to a car. One of the new multiplayer modes is called "Might of the Hunter" and involves the use of the Hunter helicopter to kill your opponents.

2006-10-20 – Golden Joystick Awards 2006 – GOTY soon
According to QJ.net , these are the current contenders for Golden Joystick’s Game Of The Year Award 2006:

  • Animal Crossing: Wild World
  • Call of Duty 2
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Special Edition
  • Half-Life 2
  • Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend
  • Mario Kart DS
  • New Super Mario Bros.
  • Pro Evolution Soccer 5
  • Resident Evil 4

The awards ceremony will take place at the Park Lane Hilton, London in the Grand Ballroom on Friday, October 27.
Get your votes in now!

2006-10-08 – GTA2 Game Hunter v1.473

  • "in game" status should be removed correctly now. Previously it was only removed for people currently in the channel and not new joiners.
  • You can now easily test multiplayer maps in singleplayer. Some scripts will try to use commands on players 2-6, so they will crash.
  • The "player is trying to join your game" message is now displayed no matter what version of GH the joiner is using. Join sound is only played if they are granted access to your game.
  • Added a slightly more informative error message than index out of bounds.

2006-10-07 – GTA2 Game Hunter v1.472

  • I forgot to include keep.ini, so when you hosted, the only map available on the GTA2 network screen was the one you selected in GH.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes replaced your GTA2 path with your IRC password (was being saved to wrong registry key)
  • Removed some debug messages including blnDisconnectClick
  • Fixed a bug that locally displayed a "-" instead of your Hamachi Network name
  • Fixed some bugs when trying to join a password protected game (index out of bounds, nothing happening)

2006-10-07 – GTA2 multiplayer movie
GTA2online-best_player.wmv 19MB – Thanks to BIT and others.

2006-10-07 – GTA2 Game Hunter v1.471

  • Players who joined weren’t being added to the player list (no idea how I missed this)
  • Included MSCOMCTL.OCX in the installer just in case you are missing it or it’s not correctly registered

2006-10-07 – GTA2 Game Hunter v1.47

  • Map name is now displayed
  • If someone doesn’t have the same .mmp file as your hosted map, they will not be able to join
  • The 100 .mmp limit is no longer an issue. Install as many maps as you like. MMP files that you aren’t using are moved to GTA2\data\tempMMP.
  • Most columns are now sortable and resizable
  • You can select which server to connect to from a hard coded list (all servers are linked, so all have same players)
  • Hamachi support. Auto launch Hamachi and join Hamachi networks. For hosting, you have to manually create Hamachi networks.
  • There is now a status column for displaying away messsages. Type /away to set away or /back to set to normal.
  • Comments can be displayed next to your hosted game. You could use it to display the game rules.
  • If you have previously registered a name on irc.gtanet.com then you can type a password and identify.

2006-10-02 – SA:MP status update and movie
Some of the changes include:

  • Changable weather.
  • Throwable weapons now work.
  • Admins can now teleport to places by right-clicking somewhere on the map.

A short movie has been released that shows working trucks with trailers, train, helicopter, RC plane, molotovs and more.
Go to the SA:MP blog to see full change list and download the movie

2006-10-02 – MTA:SA to support custom license plates and player stats
"As many eagle-eyed fans noticed from some recent pictures in the Picture Gallery, customisable synced license plates are now possible, and map creators can change player stats to suit the gameplay of the map."
Check the MTA:SA blog for more info.

2006-10-01 – Gouranga.com updated – schu returns?
G! logo

2006-10-01 – Vice City Stories – No online mode
Joystiq has confirmed that VCS PSP will not have infrastructure (online play). It will just have ad-hoc (local network play) like LCS. You will be able to use helicopters in multiplayer but that means nothing if you can’t find anyone to play.
Source: joystiq.com "Oh, and for the record, multiplayer is still limited to ad hoc play."

2006-10-01 – GTA1 game finder v1.13 released
Steven Day has released an update to his game finder. It’s an open source multiplayer environment that supports GTA1, GTA:London, and Age of Empires 1 and 2. It’s now possible to join games without opening any ports (host still needs 1 port open).



2006-09-27 – 3D-ONE project
Delfi and others are slowly working on converting the GTA1 cities to San Andreas. If you have the skills, give them a hand.
3D-ONE project

2006-09-25 – SA:MP status update
"We are upgrading the pawn/rcon functionality as well as fixing bugs and making some optimizations."
SA:MP blog

2006-09-19 – MTA:SA deathmatch status update – Improved scoreboard and team support
MTA:SA deathmatch scoreboard image
MTA:SA blog

2006-09-12 – MTA:SA deathmatch status update – Keybinds system updated
MTA:SA blog

2006-09-06 – MTA:SA deathmatch status update – all weapons synced
"All weapons are synced. You may have seen from past videos that snipers have been synced. This extends to rocket launchers and satchel charges."
MTA:SA blog

2006-09-06 – Official VCS website launched
R* has launched their official Vice City Stories (PSP) website. It contains new information, screenshots, a trailer and more.
VCS official site


2006-08-17 – GTA2 multiplayer gameplay movie
Another fan made GTA2 movie has been released. Check out Togra’s GTA2 Story

2006-08-14 – GTA1 game finder
Steven Day has released a new version of his GTA1 game finder. It now support GTA London.
Source: gtads.blogspot.com

2006-08-13 – Vice City Multiplayer weekend test
VC:MP 0.2 Public Beta 2 is up for testing this weekend.

2006-08-11 – MTA:SA deathmatch – Vehicle Respawning and Friendly Fire
The vehicle respawning has been improved and friendly fire will be an option.
Source: MTA:SA blog


2006-07-30 – MTA:SA trailers and teamsay
MTA:SA will support truck trailers and allow you to send private messages to team members.
Source: MTA:SA blog

2006-07-26 – Vice City Stories PSP box art
Vice City Stories box art image
Larger image (500KB)

2006-07-20 – MTA:SA Radar Map
Oli has been implementing an ingame full size radar map for MTA:SA deathmatch. He is currently adding a zoom system and customisable transparency.

More information and more status updates on the MTA:SA blog

2006-07-08 – MTA:SA Deathmatch video
MTA:SA Deathmatch won’t be out for a while but they have released a new gameplay movie. It’s 17MB and the download link is on their blog . Not the most exciting video but it certainly looks like much more is synced than MTA:VC. The boxing looks amusing.

2006-07-04 – The Making of Grand Theft Auto
Edge has an interesting article about the creation of GTA1.

2006-07-03 – GTA2 maps and movies
Korean GTA2 multiplayer gameplay videos
race_adventures1.2.zip 595KB – Check Yakuza GTA2 clan (Polish) site for updates
Chaos City


2006-06-26 – PlanetGTA.com LCS PS2 review
Jordon from PlanetGTA.com has reviewed LCS PS2 .

2006-06-26 – SA:MP will allow object creation
The SA:MP scripting engine has been updated. The next version of SA:MP will have the ability to create and manipulate objects on the fly. Some screenshots and videos have been released that show an outside boxing ring and a loop de loop.

Source: SA-MP blog

2006-06-14 – Golden Joystick Awards 2006
You can vote for GTA: LCS in the following categories: Ultimate Game of the year, Soundtrack Award, Playstation Game of the year and Handheld Game of the year. You can vote Rockstar as Publisher of the year and GTA4 as The One to Watch for 2007. Thanks to gtapsp.com for the news.

2006-06-11 – MTA:SA status update
Weapon sync has been improved and is apparently deadly accurate. A new ban system has been added and as you can see in the screenshot, trains are now supported.

MTA:SA blog


2006-05-27 – MTA:SA Deathmatch Admin System
Oli has posted screenshots and a description of the MTA:SA Deathmatch Admin System.

2006-05-27 – LCS PS2 will not have multiplayer
Issue 82 of PSW magazine has a review of LCS PS2 in which they mention that it has no multiplayer or any new features, just slightly better graphics than the PSP version. I didn’t expect it to have multiplayer because it wasn’t in development for very long and it will be selling for a budget price.
source: gtaforums.com

2006-05-22 – SA-MP v0.1b released
"SA:MP 0.1b has been released. This version fixes some crashes in the server so it is highly advised that you update as soon as possible. This update also includes many fixes to the server browser." – Mike

2006-05-19 – GTA Rumble 0.2b released
A new version of GTA Rumble has been released. It’s a multiplayer mod for San Andreas:
"I’ve tried my best to fix as many bugs as i can and rewrote an aweful lot to make it more stable and hugely decrease bandwidth usage. Added a few things all around, client, server and admin, but the main new things are sync’d car mod’s/modshops and the (limited) spectator." – Jax

2006-05-11 – Vice City Stories confirmed for PSP
Vice City Stories will be released on PSP in October 2006. Not really surprising. Vice City was the obvious choice and it will be much easier to make than a whole new city. I hope it means they’ll have time to add some online features but maybe they will save that for GTA4.
Official VCS site

2006-05-11 – MTA:SA Deathmatch movie #1
The MTA team have created another movie: MTA:SA Deathmatch movie #1

2006-05-10 – SA-MP v0.1 is out!
SA-MP v0.1 has been released!

2006-05-10 – Grand Theft Auto 4 announced
GTA4 has been announced for PS3 and XBOX 360 with a release date of October 2007 . Well at least the XBOX 360 will be cheaper by then and with some luck the PS3 console may actually be out 🙂

2006-05-09 – E3 – Sony Press Conference
The PS3 controller will be like the dual shock 2 controller but without the shock (no rumble). The controller will be slightly lighter than a dual shock and it will have some basic motion sensors. There will be two PS3 models released. A basic model with a 20GB HD for $499US and a luxury model with a 60GB HD, memory card slots, wi-fi and HDMI for $599US.

gtagaming.com has posted some more information about the conference.

2006-05-08 – 2D car game for PSP and Windows being made in LUA script
Vincent is creating a 2D top down car game in LUA script . It will be compatible with the PSP and Windows versions of Lua Player . Don’t expect a full clone of GTA2, it’s just going to be a simple top down game but it could still be fun.

2006-05-07 – SA:MP Beta #3 status update
SA:MP Beta #3 was released to the public for a short time but it has been deactivated now. It appears it had a few problems.
"Since Beta #2, we’ve overhauled a large part of the netcode, trying to reduce bandwidth usage and increase the overall accuracy of the sync. We also tried to extend GTA:SA’s internal limits, which I think didn’t work out how we’d planned." – kyeman
SA:MP blog

2006-05-05 – CheatDevice 1.0d for GTA:LCS PSP
CheatDevice 1.0d has been released. Cars are now able to drive on walls.



2006-12-25 – Happy Holidays!

The MTA team have released a Christmas themed San Andreas movie (35MB WMV). It shows some MTA:SA multiplayer gameplay and some powerful script features, like moving objects with the mouse. Their San Andreas deathmatch mod is still being developed, no release yet.

Here’s a gift from the DON_FAMILY, a guide to mastering GTA2 multiplayer. It gives advice on gameplay and contains tips, tactics and some information on undocumented features/glitches. If you have been playing GTA2 multiplayer for many years then you may already know most of it but it’s worth a read anyway. You should have played multiplayer at least a few times and be familiar with GTA2 or it will be hard to understand.
How_to_master_GTA2_multiplayer_by_DON_FAMILY.zip – 100KB contains a PDF file.

2006-12-23 – GTA2 Game Hunter server
edit: It’s working again but just for the future, if there is a problem, try a different server.

The default GH server ( frosties.de.eu.gtanet.com) is broken. If it was down, GH would automatically try another server but unfortunately, it’s still accepting connections, it just doesn’t respond to commands.

You will have to go to Tools > Settings > IRC Server and choose another server in the list. They are all linked, so you will get the same chat and people.

2006-12-13 – Realtime World’s receives $31 million from New Enterprise Associates
Realtime World’s was created by David Jones’s (one of the creators of GTA and Lemmings). The company has received $31 million in venture capital from NEA. They plan to use this investment on Crackdown and All Points Bulletin (expected in 2007) and to create new gaming experiences for Xbox 360 and online PC games.
via: businessweek.com

2006-12-03 – SA-MP v0.2 Progress
Some progress information and a preview video for SA-MP v0.2 (multiplayer mod for the PC version of San Andreas) has been posted on the SA-MP blog.

Some of the improvements and new features:

  • Sniper Rifle and Rocket Launcher now synched.
  • Improved aiming accuracy of M4/AK47/Country Rifle etc.
  • "Friendly fire" option – to prevent team-kills.


2006-12-02 – GTA2 Game Hunter v1.476

  • Finally fixed the XP SP1 crash bug
  • You can now see the hostname of users who quit IRC

Download from the GTA2 page . It should be compatible with 1.475 and 1.462.
Please contact me, if you find any bugs.

2006-12-02 – DON_FAMILY GTA2 movie
GTA2 in-game movie with members of the DON_FAMILY (youtube.com)
Music: Fonzerelli – moonlight party
Programs used: Fraps, windows movie maker 2 + Creativity Fun Pack and of course Grand Theft Auto 2


2006-03-31 – CheatDevice 1.0 for GTA:LCS PSP
Edison Carter has updated his impressive LCS enhancement utility with the following new optional features:

  • Hover cars
  • Gather spell
  • Full size video recorder
  • Load outside staunton safehouse
  • Drivable RC toys
  • Your car is indestructible also prevents visible damage
  • Gangs no longer attack you

2006-03-27 – Vice City Multiplayer 0.1e open beta
VC-MP 0.1e beta has been released. It’s a deathmatch mod for Vice City.
More info here: VC-MP 0.1e

2006-03-22 – SA:MP new screenshots and video

gtanet.com – screenshots and video
www.SA-MP.com – San Andreas multiplayer site

2006-03-19 – MTA:SA Race 1.1.1 client and server released
Download: light.mtavc.com

2006-03-16 – MTA:SA Race 1.1 client released
A new version of MTA:SA Race is out . It’s a multiplayer race mod for San Andreas. Most important new feature is the option to respawn at any time.

2006-03-15 – MTA:SA Race 1.1 server released
"We’ve just released the server for race 1.1. You will not be able to play Race 1.1 till we release the client, tomorrow. We release the server before the client to give server providers time to get ready for the release – otherwise when we release the client you won’t have any servers to play on!" – eAi

2006-03-08 – MTA:SA status update
"Race 1.1 is looking good, we’ve just got a few issues left to fix and we want to do some more work on the anti-cheat system (which I’m sure most of our players will be pleased about), but its almost done. We actually think that the anti-cheat has worked pretty well so far in Race 1.0, so it can only get better!

I’ve done some work today on deathmatch that I can’t really discuss right yet, but deathmatch is looking pretty good. Once we’ve got race 1.1 out the door we’ll be able to concentrate on deathmatch much more and hopefully have some media to show you soon." – eAi

2006-03-05 – SA:MP status update
"So, what has been happening the past month? We have been fixing crashes and bugs (about 40 in all).

I tried my best to port as many of the Single Player features to SA-MP as possible. They include Pay ‘n Sprays, Ammunations, gambling, vending machines, buying food, and car mod shops (Car mod shops will probably will make it into the final cake). Some of the aspects are not fully synced, such as the animation of the clerks handing you food, but that’s going to be worked on." – Cam


2006-02-28 – GTA: Rumble status update
"I’m on my 6th core now, after getting bored of the last one i aimed to make one with the capability of supporting peds + traffic, to add some originality to Rumble… afterall, its not as fun working on something that wouldn’t be used much when its finished." – Jax

2006-02-25 – PSP LCS CheatDevice v0.9
Edison Carter has released CheatDevice v0.9 for LCS on PSP. This version has a construction mode and PSP firmware 2.6 users can finally use 333Mhz mode.

2006-02-23 – GTA2 Insane Stunt Course multiplayer
I added 2-6 multiplayer support to Holy_Jack’s and OXMOX’s old GTA2 Insane Stunt Course map. Download: isc.zip 19KB

2006-02-22 – MTA: Race 1.1 Beta 1
MTA blog update :
"MTA: Race 1.1 Beta 1 got released to our QA team yesterday. It had a few weird bugs with the "respawning on last checkpoint" feature, but those were fixed today. The voting nomination also has a bug I need to fix. Other than that it seems to work well, meaning you can expect a new release of Race pretty soon."

A video showing some SA:MP game modes has been released. Download the video from the SA:MP media page.