Newbe has some questions..

Anything to do with GTA1/GTA2 modding (tools, scripts and more).
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Newbe has some questions..

Post by Rick »


I am new here and I played GTA2 online a couple of years ago and now I am back and also want to try to create a map with the DMA Map Editor. Works fine so far, but I could use a little help with scripting.

I simply took the Tiny Town multiplayer script (guess it´s name was MP1-2P.scr - not sure)
and tried to place a few cars with a vehicle machine gun but it didnt work.
I can see the cars but there are no guns in.

Was using CAR_DATA command with coordinates wich works fine.
CAR_DATA auto1 = ( x , y , z ) 2 180 JEEP

Then i took a line from Sektors Bot Tiny Town script and set the carname to auto1.

Please help i am not a proper scripter :geek: and actually i am pretty bad at it :? .

Number 2: Is it possible to add some selfmade wave files in the GTA2 Sound Directory and let them play ingame using a script command?

Thanks a lot!
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by elypter »

1) i don't really know your question. are there errors or crashes?
2) you cant use custom wav files because they would overwrite the original ones. besides that the sounds are also hardcoded. they are played when a specific message is being played. you can change the text of them but you only have a limited amount of messages that can be triggered freely. another way to play a sound in game is to use a sound objeckt and import the sound into the .raw file
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by Sektor »

GIVE_WEAPON and many other commands need to go after the LEVELSTART command and before the LEVELEND.
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by Rick »


Can I just type LEVELSTART at the beginning and LEVELEND at the end of the script or is it getting more complicated now?
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by elypter »

the declares come before the levelstart
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by Sektor »

Look at working scripts. Some commands like PLAYER_PED and PARKED cars should go before the LEVELSTART command.
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by BenMillard »

  1. Use my multiplayer scripting primer to see how LEVELSTART and LEVELEND go either side of GIVE_WEAPON.
  2. Have you tried all of the existing sounds? The game might already have something close enough to what you want.
Welcome to the English-speaking GTA2 community. 8-)
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by Rick »

Hehe is there another community?

I will have a look into it!
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by Rick »

I have learnd that flashing lights can cause desync.
Is it only caused by flashing with random timing or with flashing simple?
Face Off has one flashing light source in the westend at the flamer as well.
So it must be possible somehow.
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by BenMillard »

Tiny Town has a flashing light next to the Rocket Launcher in the South-East corner. It works fine but has a slow on/off cycle.

If the settings for the light make it possible to flash very very fast, then it seems that can cause desync. Dafe's Death Valley had very fast flashing lights which were found to cause desync, for example.

I had some randomised flickering lights in Tiny Hidden Surprise Arena. It was very natural because sometimes they would flicker, stay on for a second, then flicker out. But that "flicker on" and "flicker off" phase made them flash on and off very very fast. That seemed to be the situation which caused desync.

No idea how this purely visual effect caused physical things to go out of sync. Changing these lights to be boring and normal fixed the level, in both situations.
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by Rick »

Thanks Ben!

Yes i have already set it back to regular flashing (had irregular, like a broken lamp before) and i guess it is better now.
I did not test a lot, though.

I am Sequential in GH and you asked me if I was releasing that armybase style map.
Yes it´s here ... &mode=list
The flashing light is in south west near the Player 1 start point.

BTW i am looking for another idea to fix a problem.
When you sit on the rear seat off the green bus in my map and the police tries to pull you out of the car, the game crashes.
I didn t find a solution yet that i like..

Greets Rick
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by elypter »

i have the same problem on tiny tiny town army and on tiny face off army. locking the door unfortunately only affects other players. that would be something only vike can fix.
you could do a workaround by setting the wantedlevel to 0 while being on the back seat. i have a script that restores the wanted level when repairing the car. you could use this. the best version of the script is probably in tyfo. parts of it might be in seperate mis files because i had to save space to stay under the ~3k instructions limit
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by BenMillard »

Ely, there's a title case bug in the readme link on Rick's maps page. The file is displayed as Rick_Army.txt and the link uses the same 'title case' format. But the file is actually all lowercase, located at rick_army.txt.

You can use CSS to title-case the text when it is being rendered, without affecting the link or cache files:

Code: Select all

* { /* selector only the element you want to affect */
 text-transform: capitalize;
(EDIT) It includes lots of files so I added it to my GTA2 maps list re-skin. (The icon for audio files will be fixed later.)

(EDIT2) Is there an objective to the level? I found the tank base but kept dying on my way in. Pointing an arrow to that place would at least make it faster to find each time. There's no HUD or GPS or map features in GTA2; players need help to find objectives.

Most respawn points had no weapons at all. The only weapons I found had hardly any ammo and long delays until they respawned.

The overall style of the level is great but it's too big to navigate on foot. Adding military-only traffic driving around would help. You have a custom .sty so could use the vehicle Good/Bad/Average grades to group military vehicles together. And then use map zones with the map zone ratio scripting commands to only spawn military vehicles in there.
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by Rick »

No there´s no objective. It is intended to be a simple frag map.
You can try to steal a tank inside the base, but you dont need to.
Yes I had the same idea with the army only traffic in the area.
I tried to cope it with gang cars but i didnt get it to work, there was not even ONE gang car in the area and it is not possible to use cars like police and so on as gang cars.
The Jeep is probably in the same group?
I dont want the Policelevel(6) Army traffic there, because it includes tanks wich would make the tankbase needless somehow.

When I have time I will come back to this map and think about your arguments concernig the weapon and ammo amount. i have to say I like a funny chilled gameplay with some
chatting and and fooling around a bit though, not the usual [frenzy] hardcorebattle.
But i am also interested in making it attractive to other players.

Nonetheless if you want to get a machinegun - knock down some soldiers.
Bigger weapons are mostly in more hidden places.
The basement (red lighted area under the grid) of the house in far northwest has ammo, health, machinegun, shotgun, and flamethrower.
There´s also a tunnel wich connects the tower near the "machinegunshop" with the railyard.
You can only pass it on foot from west to east and have to jump over a bollard to pass.
You can see a very slight red light source at the entrance.
Maybe these hiding places are too hard too find, but I loved to build it :P

Maybe you could explain your idea of adding military vehicles a little more, i´am not sure if i got it right.
At least i don´t know how to establish that.

Thanks a lot,
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Re: Newbe has some questions..

Post by elypter »

there are 3 types of quality for cars in traffic. and you can set the ratio of good bad and normal cars. if you make all cars you want to include of the same type you can make this ratio 100%
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