GTA2 Game Hunter

GTA2 Game Hunter is an application designed to make finding GTA2 multiplayer opponents easier. GTA2 Game Hunter enhances GTA2’s existing multiplayer features by adding a central chat lobby, automatically writing the settings to the registry, managing a server list, updating maps, ensuring everyone has the same files and launching GTA2.

Download the latest version of GTA2 Game Hunter here


Discussion forum and screenshots

Please read this page for information on forwarding ports.

Donate to encourage updates and help out with my server costs.

73 thoughts on “GTA2 Game Hunter”

  1. I will be setting this up and tommorow evening il be up for some GTA2 online if anyone else would like to join? 🙂

  2. Hey had to translate last message, but if you are online tonight we shall play some matches 🙂

  3. Hi. After nine years here I am again, asking for Gustavob and Salamander. I don’t even know if they’re still around.

  4. No one plays it anymore. i’ve found 2 guys online and asked them to play but they don’t answer. And in the time I was connected they didn’t started a single game session.

  5. Does someone wants to play some GTA2?
    I’ll be online in game hunter if you want to play 🙂

  6. Hi Sektor this is Bernaar (from the multiplayer maps). I haven’t been playing this for ages but was planning on trying it again.

    The link to the GTA2 Game Hunter seems to be dead right now.

    Also the links to my three maps are dead (Bernaar’s Race, Bernaar’s Map, Bernaar’s Holy Project).

    Is it still suppose to work or is this abandoned? Thanks for keeping this site up! 🙂

  7. I’m not sure why the link to GH wasn’t working when you tried. I fixed the links to Bernaar’s maps, thanks for letting me know.

  8. Just curious if anyone is actually still playing? I miss this game and the hilarious laughter it caused

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