Ray Liotta, the great actor and the voice of Tommy Vercetti in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, was on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, 26th of March 2009.
Jimmy Fallon brought up the fact that Ray was in Vice City and here’s the transcript:
JF: I love you cause I love your voice, it’s so good, cause you know what, I know it from Grand Theft Auto, Vice City. Yeah, so do you get a lot of like fans asking you to say stuff to them.
RL: I did when it first came out.
RL: That’s right I did do that, cause I never even played the game. Don’t you, you can go left, you can go right, if you go left something happens. Cause I remember we would just, there was lots of "Shutup!", "Get out!".
JF: Tommy Vercetti, that was your name. What were some of the things they made you say, shutup is great?
RL: I don’t don’t know, like "Run oveeer the hooookeeer"
JF: Hahaha, run over the hooker!
RL: "Get the hooker out of the way…"
RL: "Get out of the car"
JF: "Get out of the car!"
RL: It was not nice.
JF: "Get the hooker out of the way!"
JF: "Get out of the car!"
JF: "Alright got my paycheck, alright thank you."
JF: It’s a great gig. You’ve got to be proud of that.
RL: Yeah, I guess.
JF: Do you have a frame of a poster of that in your house?
RL: No, no, actually the only poster I have, and I know a lot of actors, they put their posters in their house and in their office. The only thing, I was really proud of, I have a 10 year old daughter and I did an episode of Spongebob, where I was…"
JF: I think I’ve seen this episode "Get the hooker!"
RL: No, no (laughing)
JF: It was bad, it got banned in 3 countries.
RL: I was the head of the Bubblegum gang, as I remember but that’s pretty close, and I have a poster of that. They sent me a poster that said "Ray Liotta in the Bubblegum gang, the lead Bubblegummer".
JF: That’s hilarious.