Saints Row: The Third – Shock and Awesome

Terrorist insurgents? Been there. Unruly Taliban? Done that. The Third Street Saints? Now that’s a challenge.

The only military force in the world capable of answering the call is STAG, the Special Tactical Anti Gang unit, outfitted with hover jets, speeder bikes, laser tanks, and one hell-of-a flying aircraft carrier.

As STAG occupies Steelport and takes aim at both the Syndicate and the Saints, you’ll have to adapt, overcome, infiltrate, penetrate, and execute all sorts of military-sounding words.

Saints Row: The Third – Deckers.Die Trailer

The Deckers… elite cybercriminals… hackers… unrelenting online gamers. Their next target: the Third Street Saints. Upon arriving in Steelport, the Saints find their bank accounts wiped out by a Deckers cyber-attack. For the Saints, there’s only one thing left to do: hack into the Deckers user-net, engage in their own brand of cyberbullying, and shut down the Deckers’ network… permanently. But in this world, Deckers mastermind Matt Miller is a virtual god, capable of altering physics, setting firewalls, and unleashing his own deadly, maxed-out avatar. Are you ready to fuck shit up in virtual reality?

Saints Row: The Third is coming to PC, 360 and PS3 on 18.11.11.

Saints Row 2 patch info

A patch will be released for the 360 version of Saints Row 2, which will address a few key issues presented by the community. There will be tweaks to Multiplayer in order to promote smoother and more balanced game play. All of the applicable balance changes and improvements listed here will be included in an upcoming PS3 patch. Due to technical differences between the PS3 and the Xbox 360, a number of the changes made in this patch do not apply to the PS3 edition of Saints Row 2.

This patch has been submitted to Microsoft, with an established release date pending. Once the patch has completed the certification process and a release date is known, the information will be announced to the community.


  • Correcting the co-op mission completion and Achievement issues.
  • Implemented protection against disc read errors. May reduce or eliminate crashes experienced by some users.
  • Players will no longer be able to change the “Friendly Fire” setting during the Cat & Mouse diversion.
  • Players will no longer be able to access the weapon radial menu during the Demolition Derby activity, including all Special Derbies.
  • Correcting an issue with scripted attack helicopters not firing missiles during missions.


  • Pipe Bombs will be removed from the default MP weapon loadout when a game begins.
  • The default time / score limit for Team Gangsta Brawl will change from “5 min / 25 kills” to “10 min / 50 kills”.
  • A 5 second period of invincibility will be applied to respawning players. Once an invulnerable player performs an attack, the effect will be removed. Invulnerability will be displayed by a special health bar indicator.

A final date has not been set for the release of this patch, since it still needs to pass Microsoft certification, but once the exact date is known, everyone will be informed.


PC Authority ties GTA IV and Saints Row 2

Australian PC Authority tied GTA IV and Saints Row 2  as #1 console game of 2008.

A tough call, this one. GTAIV is undoubtedly the more technically proficient title, and one that absolutely drips character and cohesive story line. But Saints Row 2 drips playability, does more with the "sandbox" concept, and lets you play as a morbidly obese transvestite in charge of a sewage truck gone amuck. GTAIV would win the Oscar, but we feel Saints Row 2 would probably edge it out for a Most Popular Logie award, and on that basis, we’re stuck between the two.

  1. GTA IV and Saints Row 2 (PS3/360)
  2. LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
  3. Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)
  4. De Blob (Wii)
  5. Braid (360)

Saints Row 2 is officially out on 360 and PS3

The sequel to Saints Row should be out worldwide now. It can’t compare to GTA IV graphically or match the “realistic” physics but it certainly stands a chance of beating it in the fun factor. It is much less serious than GTA IV, so they were able to put in many fun gameplay elements. If you liked the first Saints Row or even San Andreas then you should like this since it’s very similar and has some new features and improvements.