Bug: Flat tiles do not appear transparent sometimes

Anything to do with GTA1/GTA2 modding (tools, scripts and more).
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Car Jacker
Car Jacker
Posts: 34
Joined: 29 Jan 2012, 18:56
GH nick: Sequential

Bug: Flat tiles do not appear transparent sometimes

Post by Rick »

You may have noticed that sometimes transparent tiles appear black in game and
they only seem to appear proper after you switch GTA2 to background and back on.

I believe GTA2 gets confused when the map contains same tile numbers with "flat" and "not-flat".
So open the map with DMA Editor and press CTRL+H.
Replace the the respective tile number with the same number and check the "flat" at the "new" tile number.
Consider to reimport that tile again if you don´t want them all "flat".
Now you should get rid of that bug.

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