[WIP] Large Singleplayer Project

Post GTA1/GTA2 maps here (finished and work in progress).
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Re: [WIP] Large Singleplayer Project

Post by CarThief »

Well ever-so-slowly making progress to the ever-so-far goal of 30 missions. Did manage to build 3 more for the new-ish Scientists faction, which should hopefully succesfully unlock various temporarely boosts to one's abilities, like a shit ton of health. Assuming some bug wont force me to scrap the idea, that is.

And apparently when attempting to select every object on the map, the object count shows as freaking 751 items! I'm suprised GTA2 isnt falling apart yet with all the stuff i'm dumping in this map.
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/23 ... sdamn.png/

And if all goes well i might even be able to implement that small idea i had of various interactive events that randomly pop up in the city to earn a quick buck. So far the ideas consist of an mugger ambush when becoming too curious of why there's blood around as well as a shiney briefcase full of money. The oppertunity to try and steal a Bank Van if one would want to for a quick buck, though the cops would be all over your ass for it and the odd drug dealing going on between 2 gangs that can be interuppted and the Van containing the goods to be stolen for some money as well.
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Re: [WIP] Large Singleplayer Project

Post by Sektor »

Sounds very impressive, especially since you aren't getting paid. 30 missions is a sequel or expansion back. Paid DLC. Good to see you using the new SET features.
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Re: [WIP] Large Singleplayer Project

Post by CarThief »

Suppose back in the day it certainly would have constituted as some kind of expansion pack for the game given the size of it, but if you ask me given current information anyone could look up on GTA2 modding and how easy it is to get into anyway, anyone or any small team could have put something of this size together, probaly in a month or 2. So by today's standards its probaly nothing fancy actually worth paying for (especially considering i'm not quite making it by any kind of professional standard either). :P

Ah, not to mention all the new features that where added by a little hacking and whatnot... Sure took damn long to get this far, wonder how long i've been working on this thing by now, almost half a year perhaps? Maybe even more.
In any case i'm hoping to be able to release the damn thing at some point, would be a shame to let it go to waste.

And a while back while cruising around with Ben spotting mistakes, glitches and other stuff, i tried starting a mission file in multiplayer but it just crashed, though it DID work just fine in 1 player multiplayer mode. Perhaps you or vike could look into that and see if missions can be succesfully used in multiplayer?
Hm, perhaps it has issues loading the files, or loading mission files mid-multiplayer screws up the game/desynchs it, maybe? Or perhaps it just doesnt like the inclusion of more then one player, though thats not a very likely cause i think.
Mostly just asking because if missions do end up working on multiplayer i'm sure as hell gonna try and add in a co-op mode for this, heh.
Edit: If its any help, the mission was being executed from a WHILE_EXEC loop, instead of the traditional Subroutines/Thread Triggers and Phones. Havent tried those yet but i take it that it crashes from those as well.
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Re: [WIP] Large Singleplayer Project

Post by Razor »

any sneak peaks for me? i would gladly test your work. I dont spread it further : )
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Re: [WIP] Large Singleplayer Project

Post by CarThief »

Hm, thats curious, maybe it just dislikes loading scripts from the phones in the intended phone thread trigger format during multiplayer. Either that or i need to double check if using stuff like EXEC and ENDEXEC and other unconventional commands or involving player 2 in anything would crash the game in any way at some point. (Not sure why i'm using EXEC anyway during mission's form of LEVELSTART, it didnt do anything at all anyway, just kind of kept it there.)

Might also have just been a scripting error on my part possibily, but i personally doubt that because the moment the file is loaded it just kinda crashes without even getting into the WHILE_EXEC loop. (Unless EXEC does work instantly in missions in multiplayer. Hm...)

And right now there isnt anything ready for testing singleplayer-wise, and everything map and multiplayer-wise is already tested for now, more or less, as the map didnt change very much lately. Got nothing against sending the 1-6 player multiplayer free roam files if i ever happen to be at the GH and you happen to be there too, and perhaps do some checking out of the city, getting ideas, spotting mistakes and whatnot. Though the free roam mode is quite simple, no Kill Frenzies, missions (minus that shop area that just doesnt work for some reason), or anything. Just 1-6 players and some weapons, while almost everything is accesible.
The files did age a bit though, i suppose. It doesnt reflect the latest changes very accurately, but most of it is unchanged.

Suppose i should probaly make some new files at some point to test if missions do work in the way i trigger them, and its not just a scripting error.
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Re: [WIP] Large Singleplayer Project

Post by CarThief »

Well i hope i didnt just run into a massive problem here, tried compiling the newest script that handles the mugger events, but the compiler outright crashes! Tried running the script through it induvidually giving it every declaration it needed from the main script and it compiled just fine. Though weirdly when i cancelled out the activation of an already functional mission and kept in the mugger script, it crashed once again.

Personally i'm thinking i might have just ran into some kind of hardcoded limit with the compiler, as i recall hearing of a maximum amount of bytes even the hacked compiler (which i do use) can only take so far. Perhaps that mission finnaly hit the memory limits? Personally i'm hoping rather that its an scripting error, but none showed up in earlier tests, and i checked most subtle things like for compiler crashes like having an unequal amount setup/amount of IF and ENDIF's.

I could post the offending script if that's any help, but so far here's what the compiler is telling me, it seems pretty full.

Edit: I also happen to be using the compiler's exe file for this directly, as most script editors cant handle the missions and how they're handled. It just ussually crashes/gives a cant read error on mispad(ooooollllddd one) and may forget to place the missions in GTA2's data/name_of_main_script folder (scriptpad, i recall?). :P

Edit2: Further tests seem to improve the likelyhood of the compiler not being able to take it anymore... When i tried compiling while leaving out the startup code of the Zaibatsu and Scientist missions (wsd_zb1 to wsd_zb4 and wsd_ac1 to 3), it did compile just fine, though compiling it with a smaller amount of missions commented out seems to give the usual crash again.

I can only assume its a very large mission for GTA2 because of its one-of-a-kind structure to support using the same scenario for different places by having tons of IF statements to check what the number of the day is, and say, if it is 1, the suitcase, trigger point, and peds spawned will be at say, the graveyard. When the number is 2, its all in some dark alleyway instead. And this number goes all the way up to 12! I guess repeating the character creating process 12 times, no matter if they only get created once in-game, is taxing on the compiler's memory or something.

Also noticed that the file does compile along with some other missions, but the compiler just stops mid-progress, leaving quite a few missions uncompiled. The mission file itself while compiling with enough missions commented out also worked just fine in-game, though it did crash upon exiting the mission, but thats another bug for another day, if this ever gets fixed.
Might as well upload the file too now, maybe that can be of some help.

So in short... Perhaps anyone got an even STRONGER compiler for me...? :P
The offending mission script file.
(24.4 KiB) Downloaded 689 times
Result of compiling WSD.scr while leaving the offending script's mission contents commented out.
Result of compiling WSD.scr while leaving the offending script's mission contents commented out.
compiler1.png (47.72 KiB) Viewed 16689 times
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Re: [WIP] Large Singleplayer Project

Post by RetroFox »

This sounds great. Just the kind of thing I want in GTA mods. 30 New missions and new features.. Nice one !

I could help widen the audience and port it onto the dreamcast if you want?
The only limit I have so far is replacing textures , so since your using the originals it should work perfectly!
Im yet to try audio swapping but I found out how to convert the front end images to the DC format
So it should be able to handle everything your using =)

Im wondering how well the dreamcast could handle all them objects? lol

Awsome cant wait to see this finnished
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Re: [WIP] Large Singleplayer Project

Post by Razor »

isnt that project dead?
Galactic Boy
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Re: [WIP] Large Singleplayer Project

Post by Galactic Boy »

I've got two questions.
-Where can I download this map? (.gmp file)
-When will the project finishes?
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Serial Killer
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Re: [WIP] Large Singleplayer Project

Post by Serial Killer »

is this project dead? Galactic is right. :S
I'm Serial Killer, my job is killing you!
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