DAFE's Death Valley

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DAFE's Death Valley

Post by DAFE »

DAFE's Death Valley Oct.27, 2009 (Third and hopefully Final revision) - HAPPY GTA2 10th anniversary to all!
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Top down map with noon lighting. Includes weapon, powerup and other game run time drawn objects.
Top down map with noon lighting. Includes weapon, powerup and other game run time drawn objects.
DAFESDeathValley.jpg (62.83 KiB) Viewed 69771 times
Large image with dusk lighting.

DAFE's Death Valley - created April 2009/updated June, September & October 2009 - map created & scripted by [DAFE] of Ontario, Canada.

This map was designed based on 10 years of playing experience of what I've learned & liked about the game including utilizing skilled/glitch moves (term is interchangeable depending on player's opinions). It was designed for Deathmatch but can be played as Tag or Points games too. This was my first attempt at GTA2 map creation, sprite/car/tile creation and scripting. Here is what is in the map:
  • 1-6 player compatible utilizing 1 .scr (script) file
  • simple train with 4 station platforms, 2 in central park, 2 on small power up islands
  • 4 islands ( 1 hidden ) each island has a gang, power ups, and a boss bot defending it
  • crane system and power up/weapons generator rewards ( try getting the faster cars picked up )
  • respawning cars ( some with wreck removal some without to fill Ronald Reagan's Brothel pit with )
  • respawning weapons and strong weapons at spawn points
  • 3 gangs in 6 zones: 4 zones of island nudes with shotguns ( lead by a patroling nude boss bot that kills by flame thrower, electrogun or punching depending on the island), 1 police station zone of cops with dual pistols , 1 hospital zone of medics with electrobatons to slow players down
  • invisibility and invulnerability are stored on east and west islands and can be disabled in game by simply destroying the train if players decide to do so
  • complete shops selling vehicle mines, vehilce paint, vehicle car bomb, vehicle machine guns, vehicle oil slick
  • detailed DUSK lighting of various degrees of ambience, colour, radius and strobing effects
  • environmental collidable objects and sounds
  • police wanted level of 6 heads ( army ) for 1 player and 5 heads ( special forces FBI ) for 2-6 players
  • start of game spawn high drop and drown in fountain was intended by myself to be humorous
  • 2 tanks on south island only reachable if player is able to survive a long fall :)[/b]
reached compiler maximum line count of over 3000 lines!!!
  • Southeast bridge explodes and collapses when trigger point entered, once per game at $0 cost ( southwest bridge hardcoded down - for some reason the game couldn't handle 2 lower_level commands and crashed game ). This feature was intended to make south island and its tanks even tougher to obtain if players chose to do so
  • Center of park fountain trigger spawns 12 invulnerable nude hitmen bots on the outer lying roads around Vyrulynt's Park that will divide into equivalent groups to hunt all your opponents with rocket launchers and gunjeeps or they will all hunt player 1 in a 1 player game for extra challenge - repeatable at $10,000 cost.
  • Remote mini gunjeeps armed with vehicle guns, flame thrower, instant bomb and jeep gun triggered from hidden mainland cave which spawn on churchtop - repeatable at $3,000 cost
  • 'ELITE!' doorfrag ( punch&kill within short time condition) reward/punishment: the loser is given 5 wanted (if cops are enabled) and clothing removed for that spawn, winner has any and all wanted removed and $10,000 cash reward
  • BLACK BUS GANG! There's a hidden bus with locked doors in a building that can be unlocked at $5,000 cost paid at bus barn door entranceway. Once bus doors are unlocked, any player can enter the black bus which spawns 9 temporarily invulnerable African ped bots with unique weapons whom align their allegiance to the most recent bus driver leader. Their invulnerability can be overcome upon a few secrets that can be discovered by the players. The bus will self destruct if driver has left bus and pager counts down to 0. Timer can be reset by a player driving bus again.
I wanted to thank SEKTOR AU and VIKE AU for giving GTA2 multiplayer extended life and for helping me with all my questions. Other thanks goes out to others that have supported me and tested with me:

http://www.wikigta.org , BENMILLARD/CERBERA UK , WARIO5 US , RONALD_REAGAN US , VYRULYNT US , SAUCEBOSS US , SALAMANDER/DRSLONY PL , RAZOR PL , LANTYZ NL and all other players that inspired me to create it! :P

I hope everyone enjoys playing on this map as much as I enjoyed making it and playing on it myself! Tons of hours were spent creating/troubleshooting/completing this thing :)

October 27, 2009 - Third and FINAL RELEASE for October 27th 2009 to commemorate GTA2's 10th Anniversary!

  • Included a DAFESDeathValleyLite.SCR and related .MMP files for a lighter version of the script to help reduce desynchronizations in laggier/more explosive games when using preVIKE gta2 versions v9.6f, v10.5, etc, or for players who just want to brawl on the map without any of the extra goodies. The 'Lite' script removes Elite! bonus, Busgang, Nude Fountain Hitmen (T2's), remote mini gunjeeps and start up cash ($10,000).
  • Changed crane weapons/powerups list order to a fast cars list
  • Infinite death loop fixed of certain nude fountain hitmen bots which now cost $10,000 - spread nude fountain hitmen spawn points further out so they don't get trapped in park or fight for same cars
  • Fixed respawning car at Mosque respawned a block away from where it's new parking spot in previous version
  • Moved pylons and changed black van to a TV Van at mosque parking lot and added coordinates for dish focal point
  • Relocated electroguns and flame throwers at corners of mainland to opposite corners
  • Relocated electrogun and added rocket launcher, molotov cocktails and mines to South Island spawn area
  • Made vehicles respawn on South Island (1 APC and 1 Gunjeep)
  • tweaked busgang timer...reduced time from 180 count to 120 count ~ 2 minutes at no lag
  • Rescripted players to be able to steal already spawned busgang from one another, when a new player enters black bus they steal the busgang from previous leader and become the Black gang's new leader
  • changed weapons order of busgang so that better weapon holders enter the smaller vehicles
  • redrew map tiles where busgang members spawn that displays their name in the colour of their shirt with the weapon they carry ( Thanks to Vyrulynt for their names )
  • corrected fountain water animations to make water look like it's falling and spreading outwards
  • renamed some navigational zones
  • reduced train length
  • started players with cash - $7,000
  • moved invisibility, invulnerability and gang pickups around on east and west islands to make train and small islands more desirable to visit
  • increased shading level to look like sunrise/sunset
  • implemented a stuck accelerator and alarm to one of the parked cop cars
  • removed electrofingers from South Island and added to central park/train stations area because I love to achieve electrofinger kills
  • added gang pickup to North Island
  • changed South Island's nude patrol bot's weapon from flame thrower to electrogun, added a start up message and brief message.
  • STY file edits: Made some interesting custom tiles/textures and custom cars ( 5 of which are cars I actually own at this point in time on my property :) ). Thanks to DrSlony/Salamander for touching up some of the cars and creating and allowing me to use his first custom car ( Poland's cult car Fiat - Maluch). I have also replaced some cars with some nice ones I found on the web...I hope the author's don't mind :)
DAFES Death Valley custom cars including some of my own creations with complete Deltas.  Also, notice new SCORE in GTA Pricedown font, and body parts to replace blood animation.
DAFES Death Valley custom cars including some of my own creations with complete Deltas. Also, notice new SCORE in GTA Pricedown font, and body parts to replace blood animation.
EDIT: July 10 2009, Posted some screenshots of the ELITE! feature thanks to Wario5's help. We've found that this map plays better in Death Match if the frag limit is lowered to about 6 or so...there is a lot of ways to lose frags on this map and it takes a while to rack them up as a result :) We've also tested this map running it for almost 2hrs without any desynchs or other issues using a proposed updated version of GTA2. I'm really enjoying how the map has turned out...there are some minor issues that I may tackle in the future for another update :P

EDIT: June 15 2009, MrExclusive was quick to report the game still went out of synch at the beginning of a lag free game when he was in DUSK mode and his opponent was in NOON mode. He also recommended a higher AMBIENT level. He also found a block that was set as 'AIR" property allowing players to fall through map. I made these 4 quick changes: I added 1 more restart zone on South Island to enable more player traffic to and from that island, I bumped Ambient light level up from .15 to .33 as MrExclusive recommended and removed all flashing lights on map ( I really will miss these as they added nice effects to the map at DUSK :( ). If it continues to Desynch at the beginning of multiplayer game when any player is in DUSK mode, I'm going to have to recommend multiplayer games will need to run at NOON mode as I am out of ideas. It seems to be much better at holding synchronization now. Feel free to report back either way with this latest version for my and everyone else's benefit :P

EDIT: June 13 2009, worked on some minor and major fixes and upgrades to the map.
Here's what I've fixed and upgraded:

  • added another spawn point to South Island. There is a way to get back to mainland if both bridges are down...think, think! :P
  • added a respawning blast proof, Firetruck with flame thrower to a parking lot.
  • recreated new poster images at NOON and DUSK to reflect latest version.
  • moved and made minor changes to the south island, dropping bridge, power ups and lighting closer to the mainland to resolve an issue I've noticed where multiplayer games with lag seems to affect car speeds or their ability to make the bridge jump vs being able to make the jump without troubles in single player mode.
  • added fast reloads at the end of tank tunnels and redrawn tank exits and lanes to make them even more less obvious and tough to acquire.
  • created some more respawning cars at Brothels that leave wrecks on map to fill pit with. Also added delays to all respawning cars to prevent ridiculous cash bonuses or game crashes if carbombed off screen and to reduce wrecks game makes on roadways when cars respawn on their own wrecks (game glitch)
  • slope fixes ( walking player fell through slope in front of one of the tanks )
  • texture tile fixes and improvements to map details in general
  • added shallow ( non moving water ) along some coastlines just to have that feature on map
  • added some more active lighting ( constant, flashing and flickering lights as if burnt out, power up lighting ) * HAD TO REDUCE ACTIVE LIGHTING AS GAME DESYNCHRONIZED QUICKLY NEAR BEGINNING OF A NEW GAME WITH SOME PLAYERS RUNNING IN DUSK MODE...WORKED FINE IN NOON MODE.
  • created some docks around lighthouses on islands for effect and to help make North Island easier to get to
  • moved some powerups to balance map better and cars around to fit in newly textured parking lots better
  • increased gang zone sizes for more combat potential and variable
  • made more pedestrian traffic in some areas to liven up map and add some extra variable to map
  • made south island armoury GUNJEEP and APC invulnerable to explosion blasts and gave vehicle machine guns to APC as a treat. This will make the South Island even more desirable to go visit, making attacks against rocket launching players very formidable and also force opposing player to use the instant bombs that are provided in various ways on the map.
Retooled/recoded the script to handle Park Fountain Nude bots differently as they were causing desynchs with all 8 of them exploding and no one seemed to really use them. The trigger now costs $7000 and 12 instead of 8 nude Fountain bots now land safely on the road medians around the central park. They have a new objective of splitting up and attacking your opponents with Rocket launcher. They are also invulnerable and will chase players in armed gunjeeps. They will use the gun in gunjeep in car chases or even as they approach you while you are on foot. This is testing good so far and a new fun element is added to this map compared to what it was. As an added challenge in 1 player games, player 1 can choose to pay for and trigger these bots and they will all hunt player 1. This mixing with the fact that 1P game is configured to allow 6 wanted level should make for some fun 1 player mayhem and chaos! Stay tuned...

April 15 2009 update. I had to finess the .GMP optimizer to correct a problem it was creating. It was making 1 tile 'Air' property after optimization for some reason allowing players to fall through roof. Looks like it's fine now.

Initially posted April 14. Extensively beta tested, revised and fixed over past few weeks to where I think we have all the main problems resolved. There is close to 3000 lines in the script performing various feature functions. As a result, this map sometimes goes out of synch. Not sure if it's because of the busy script, or the busy gameplay on the map. Most lag free games run fine.... unfortunately, at this point, I don't think out of synch problems can be fixed, so a workaround is to have shorter games. 5-8 frag games 20min might reduce the risk of going out of synch. Keep the explosions to a minimum :P
Trademark's Rendered Screenshot, Thanks!
Trademark's Rendered Screenshot, Thanks!
Last edited by DAFE on 03 Oct 2011, 03:47, edited 71 times in total.
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by DAFE »

3D RENDERED IMAGES - (Many thanks to Trademark FI for creating these and my wife for photoshop tweaks :D

Trademark's renderer screenshots
Trademark's renderer screenshots

Nude Fountain bots' trigger at center of fountain.  Costs $10,000 per trigger and can't be retriggered for half a minute or so.
Nude Fountain bots' trigger at center of fountain. Costs $10,000 per trigger and can't be retriggered for half a minute or so.




ELITE! Nude and 5 Wanted Punishment
ELITE! Nude and 5 Wanted Punishment
Last edited by DAFE on 02 Jan 2010, 02:13, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by Shatters »

Looks good. :D
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by DAFE »

Thanks Shatters! Much blood, sweat, tears and time went into this development :)
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by BluE »

I like this Map very much :)

But i dont know how to get the tanks? Full Health+ Full Armor didnt worked..give me a hint please :D
And whats with the Hidden Island? Is the only way to get there by bug using(fly^^)? That way should work for tanks as well, but is there another way to get there?

Are you still improving the Map or is it finished? The invisible and the invulnerability are fine on the islands, but well they are not that usefull i think, because if you get them and then wait for the next train and get back, they are almost over..a bid sad every time.

The Park trigger is also very funny, but i dont know how to get use of it. I mean you cant really hit someone with it, a bit sadly you had to change the explosion from autobombs.

Well I Like Jumping over the roofs and driving around or jumping over the bridge is nice. Using a bombshop instead of giving cars the extras is very nice as well :-)
What i like very much is the bus with the 8 Passengers who protect you. They are good, but balanced well as well.
The Remote Control Jeep is a funny extra i liked much as well, sadly its a bit slow sometimes if you want to follow someone in a policecar or something like that, but its funny i think.

Whole Map is Well Balanced, good weapons at start will minimize spawnkills and give weaker players some kind of chance. And Nice extras on Map..thanks a lot for your map...loving it =)
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by DAFE »

Thanks for the compliments and feedback BluE!

This GTA2 map is the first map and script I've completed. I've been playing the game muliplayer mode since the game was new (since ~1999) with other North American players. We take advantage of the games bugs which we feel enhances the gameplay and separates newbies from pro's. SO... The map was designed based on my years of experience of the game satisfying what I like about the game and solve issues that I disliked on other maps. I can say everything on map is achievable.

I will answer your post in order of the statements you made:

The Hidden Tank drops are achievable if you really know the game. I've never tried this but try timing getting the invulnerability just before train arrives to platform to maximize time or figure out what car rewards invulnerability pickup at the crane. There are other ways too.

Even though almost everyone loves the map the way it is, I am improving the map since April 15th version and expect to be releasing what I hope to be a final version for end of May 2009. The improvements resolve some texture issues we've found, fix slopes that I fell through and drowned from, added some more dusk lighting effects, making the North Power Up island a little easier to get to adding wooden decks, some minor script changes changing a few weapons locations to sum up. Stay tuned! The invulnerablility and invisibility were put on the east and west islands with good reason - to at least have all elements of GTA2 in my map, but also to make players earn having them so as to not have annoyances like noob players getting them all the time slowing game down. Try timing picking them up just before train gets to platforms, they'll last longer once you get to mainland :P An alternative option is to destroy the train if you want to disable being able to get them in game.

The Park Fountain trigger was just an idea I wanted to try and add another 'weapon' to the map so to speak. It was very impressive with them exploding as CAR BOMB explosions and shockwaves which created havoc in the park pushing players into the fountain etc. Unfortunately it usually caused Multiplayer games to go out of synchronization with other players so the explosion size was reduced to GRENADE sized which can still surprise your opponents.

Many players enjoy the varying elevations and Insane Bonus jumps, as do I. I wanted to have a map that 'used' the cash you earned so that's why I have Car shops instead of Car pickups and applying cost to my scripted features. All MINI Remote vehicles I tried were all substantially slower than their real sized counterparts. The MINI GUNJEEP is pretty quick compared to some of the other MINI vehicles with the added benefit of being able to equip it with FLAME THROWER and GUN TURRET. It's fun to hide under cars that you think your opponents will get into and trigger the INSTANT BOMB!

I agree the map is balanced and easy to navigate and get from one place to another quickly. There's nothing more annoying than being spawn killed, so in my map, having good respawning weapons and a respawning vehicle at each spawn point was beneficial :) The respawning vehicles also help when DUMMY cars aren't spawning on the roads in a game. I've never had to wait for a car when I know where the respawning cars are!

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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by BluE »

Thanks for your reply :-)

Tried something out. By flying its easy to get the tanks :-)

Iinstant Bomb in the remote car is nice, but you dont get a kill, because you loose a kill if your remote car is destroyed. So its better to kill others by shooting them.

Well I played some more and now have some more questions :)

The Cellphones in the middle, can you do anything with them? Maybe a special car coming around for you or something would be nice.

Whats the Icon i get, when i get a fbi car to the crane system. I cant get it, neither by foot nor with a car. Was a bit confusing. Or is that a bug of the game?

At least I thing I found another trigger, the carbomb on the left upper parking lot. If i use it on the parking lot, the game creates many cars on the round and destroys them as well. Thats gives you instant like 10000$. Are there other hidden triggers?

Sincerely yours,
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by DAFE »

Hi BluE,

Glad you're able to use the tanks now :) There are other easier ways to get them too. I don't want to make things easy and give it away... :D

What you notice about Instant Bomb is true for any vehicle you put it in... that's how the game works with it. Although, if you are sitting with 0 frags, you will gain 1 frag as you can't lose one so keep that in mind. It's also a good way to take out a player who's hiding in a tank or bus. I've also noticed that the other weapons in the MINI GUNJEEP don't always cause damage...this must be a game glitch too so we must deal with it :P

The payphones in the park are just there for effect...even if I wanted to make them do something, I have no room left in my script to create anymore functions...the compiler doesn't allow more than 2976 lines/commands. Mine is at 2970ish.

The icon that the FBI car produces at the crane is called the Respect! Icon and allows you to gain one bar of respect from one gang. But it's not available in multiplayer. I didn't know this at the time of scripting map. I might change the vehicle it's associated with to a large vehicle that cannot be picked up by crane. I'll also maybe check the other powerups to make sure they are relevant to Deathmatch/Multiplayer game.

We were already aware of the effect using a carbomb on parked, respawning cars did. This isn't a trigger, but a bonus glitch. Anytime you script spawning a car on top of another car where it is supposed to spawn it automaticly moves spawned car or wreck to nearest road. Try this on other respawning cars around the map. I also notice that if you keep doing this manouvre that the wrecks keep lining up on the roadways until the game finally crashes at some point with dozens of wrecks everywhere :P

Thanks for your reply and interest in my map. I will be releasing another version soon that makes some minor fixes and improves some details on map.
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by BluE »

hey Dafe,

its okay with the tank, even though i dont think, i will find another way, but flying works fine for me :D Wow sounds big if the script is full ;) Are there some hidden features in it? Could you add some Bots to the map? I suppose its not possible, because they have to be included in the map script, arent they?

Well I had the road full of wrecks as well, I was just wondering why they didnt disapeared when i left the area.

Im looking forward for the next version, would be nice if you post a little changelog then as well :) Great work, its my favourite map =)
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by DAFE »

Hi BluE,

Have fun with the tanks!

There are 'bots' used on the map in different ways... the islands are protected by nude gang with nude boss bot protecting 'area'. The fountain drops nude bots from the sky, but they just explode upon impact. Finally, the 9 black ped bus gang are also bots that team up with the player who gets in newly spawned gang bus first.

I describe all of the scripted features and have screenshots of most of the scripted features in this forum, so it's up to the players to learn how to use them ( unless you happen to get into a game with me, I'd be happy to show anyone around :)

As far as the next version of this map is concerned, the changes are minor: slope fixes (walking player fell through one in front of one of the tanks) and texture fixes, added some more active lighting, created some docks around lighthouses on islands, moved some powerups and cars around, made south island armoury GUNJEEP and APC invulnerable to rockets and gave vehicle machine guns to APC as a treat. This will make the South Island even more desirable to go visit making attacks against rocket launching players very formidable and also force opposing player to use the instant bombs that are provided in various ways on the map.

Stay tuned...it's almost done! Just need to try and do some extensive testing.
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by BluE »

Yea that sounds good. In 2 Player game I have not been on the south Island a lot, maybe that could change it :)

What i meant by the bots is that i played a map with friends before, called "BOT Tiny Town" (http://gtamp.com/GTA2/maps/tinytown_bots15.zip), on which are 6 killer bots, hunting all human players(they not attacking each other). I like that, because its makes the Game more fun if you play alone or with just 1 other player. But i think its a map script, so you cant add this feature, because your script is already full.
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by DAFE »

Hi BluE,

I see what you mean now...

Funny you mention this...Before reading your latest reply, I just finished rescripting the Nude Fountain bots to split up and hunt down your opponents with Rocket Launcher and Invulnerability for $7000 :P Wario5 and I just finished testing and tweaking. He and I are happy with what turned out. It adds another fun twist to game.

Another twist I did to make 1 player game more interesting is making these same bots hunt Player1 instead of doing nothing when there are no other players in game (DAFESDeathValley1p.mmp)...with this new feature and 1 Player multiplayer 6 wanted level, there should be lots to do. The APC and gunjeeps on South Island are now invulnerable to rocket fire and APC is equiped with machine guns. Plus everything else I've mentioned and more!.

I'm going to test it a bit more with other players to see how stable it is and make sure nothing else needs to be fixed or added. I actually shrunk my script by several hundred lines/commands by recoding the nude fountain bots which will behave how you requested only better. They are player and cost controlled! And by launching them they should fan out and attack most of your opponents equally...the game limits them in certain ways just as in Bot Tiny Town, but I'll let everyone learn what that is on their own as I just learnt myself.

I'm hoping to get this out as a Final release by end of May or we can call it a June '09 release at worst :P

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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by BluE »

Nice, i hope you will finish it soon =)

What i noticed is, when i play with the remote minigunjeep, thats its weapons are not very effective against players on foot. Even with flamethrower its hard to hit them, and the auto machine gun seems like it doesnt hurt them at all.
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by DAFE »

I'm hoping to finish it soon too...it's consuming too much of my life :P

I've noticed the same issue with the MINI GUNJEEP, sometimes it works on players characters, sometimes not, same with peds and other characters...Instant bomb always works on anything, and it always works on damaging cars. Nothing I can fix, it's just how the game is working with the MINI sized GUNJEEP. I believe it is because the MINI GUNJEEP is smaller and shooting lower ( at player's and character's feet ) because I had someone try and burn me in game and was able to do so when he drove higher up a hill to ignite me. The full sized GUNJEEPS don't have this issue that I know of.
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by BluE »

Please finish it soon =)

Well I got an idea for another jump. The church building, where the minigunjeeps start on, would be a nice jump i think. One from the top to the bottom nad one from the bottom. Would be nice if the roof would start on the floor so you can just jump over it :D
Or if you jump from the bomb shop and are realy fast you get almost on it now. If it just would be a bit lower you maybe could reach it and take another jump :D

Well hope you like my suggestion ;)

Sincerely yours,
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by DAFE »

Hi BluE,

Thanks for your continued interest and suggestions. The church is actually from a GTA2 default map...I 'borrowed' it for mine as I liked it. It turned out to be a nice place to potentially spawn 6 remote vehicles at different locations on top of roof ( 1 per player up to 6 players)... the reason being that the game has difficulties and sometimes crashes when you try and spawn something in a location where there is something already (players, characters or other cars). This is why the church roof top should not be easily accesible during normal play. I'm just trying to prevent as many in game problems as I possibly can based on what I know causes crashing.

P.S. I have a few people testing the latest script changes and so far so good. I may adopt a few more minor changes and requests, but it's looking pretty good to release latest version again. I was hoping for a May '09 release, but since it's now June '09, it'll likely be a June release. I've also recently noticed that lag seems to affect cars speeds or at least jumping distances. Cars that could make the bridge jumps in 1P, seem to no be able to do so in Multiplayer games...so I may close that gap up by 1 block width or 2. It'll mean redrawing the South Island a little bit and changing some script on how the one bridge drops...not a biggie though.

I also want to redo the poster I've already done so that it accurately resembles the changes I've made between the first release and the changes I've made and will make. A few hours of work left I presume :P

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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by BluE »

Please release it soon, im looking every day for a nem release here :D I would be happy even if its just a beta ;)
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by DAFE »

BluE (And anyone else who's been waiting) Your wish is my command! June 13, 2009 DAFES Death Valley released. Redownload DAFESDeathValley.RAR from the top of the forum.

I'm hoping for this version to be a FINAL version unless anyone reports of any serious problems that I'd want to fix up. I and a few of my helpers have been testing it for weeks and it seems good! I need to move on to other non GTA2 projects around the house as summer is near! :)

I hope everyone enjoys it! It's been my little baby for a few months now (1/4 year).


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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by MrExclusive »

I was so happy when I heard that You've released map but unfortunately I've to say that desnych occurs right after start.
I started game with _E_Agent00 (?) and desnych occurred after first fountain-death. Also I think You didn't set ambient level which is needed even if You set all your lights on the map, because places where light doesn't reach are too dark and it looks poorly lit for me. You should set it to "0.33" which is in my opinion the best value for night mode on any level. I hope that only I've noticed that desnych thing because I know how much stuff You had to do to make this level playable. I'll try again later with other player to check if desnych recurs.
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Car Jacker
Car Jacker
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Re: DAFE's Death Valley

Post by DAFE »

Hi MrExclusive,

Thanks so much for the quick response and feedback! So I've followed your advice and reposted another version of Death Valley - June 14 2009.

I was disappointed to hear about Desynching at start of game when any player was in DUSK mode... I thought we fixed the problem by reducing the amount of flashing lights. So I've removed ALL flashing lights and boosted AMBIENT level up from 0.15 to 0.33. I hope these changes solve issues.

Other than these changes, I'm not sure what else I can do to fix the Desynching issue if at least one player is in DUSK mode other than to recommend using NOON mode :P It's been a learning experience for sure!
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