Search found 9 matches

by 19_Steve_89
20 Feb 2010, 10:34
Forum: Modding forum
Topic: Change weapons of the instand-gang members?
Replies: 2
Views: 6417

Re: Change weapons of the instand-gang members?

Ok i thought so.
by 19_Steve_89
20 Feb 2010, 10:22
Forum: Modding forum
Topic: Change price of the car shops?
Replies: 5
Views: 10004

Change price of the car shops?

How can i change the price of the car shops and the ammount of the ammo?
by 19_Steve_89
20 Feb 2010, 10:19
Forum: Modding forum
Topic: Change weapons of the instand-gang members?
Replies: 2
Views: 6417

Change weapons of the instand-gang members?

Is it possible to change the weapons of the instand-gang members or the ammount of the members you get?
by 19_Steve_89
20 Feb 2010, 10:10
Forum: Modding forum
Topic: vike's GTA2 update patch enhancement upgrade fix v11.44
Replies: 400
Views: 1060655

Re: GTA2 v11.3

I have installed the v11.3 and now i can´t chance the lightening into noon
by 19_Steve_89
17 Feb 2010, 14:47
Forum: Modding forum
Topic: Create Zone names
Replies: 9
Views: 15851

Re: Create Zone names

Yes i know but it doesn´t works.
I have made a information zone with a name.
But this name doesn´t appears in the game
by 19_Steve_89
17 Feb 2010, 12:19
Forum: Modding forum
Topic: Create Zone names
Replies: 9
Views: 15851

Re: Create Zone names

Where can i get some example .mis files?
by 19_Steve_89
17 Feb 2010, 12:04
Forum: Modding forum
Topic: Create Zone names
Replies: 9
Views: 15851

Create Zone names

I want to create zone names which appear in the game wenn i come into the zone.
I now i have to create an information zone but it doesn´t works.
Do i have to write something in the script?
Also the Radio in the cars doesn`t function. I have the version 10.3.
With an other version it works.
by 19_Steve_89
15 Feb 2010, 16:59
Forum: Modding forum
Topic: Problem to script a gang
Replies: 9
Views: 17227

Re: Problem to script a gang

Thank you for your very fast help.
Now it works.
Is there a list with all Gang IDs where i can see what icon they have?
by 19_Steve_89
14 Feb 2010, 20:47
Forum: Modding forum
Topic: Problem to script a gang
Replies: 9
Views: 17227

Problem to script a gang

I have made a multiplayer map with two gangs. But the respect doesn´t chance when i kill gang members. The respect only changes when i destroy or steal a gang car. Can someone tell me how to script? This is my script: SET_GANG_INFO ( russgang , 10 , pistol , shotgun , machine_gun , 7 , 246.5 , 22.5 ...