GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

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GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Sektor »

I update this list more often than I read this forum thread:

Here's a list of ideas that myself or others would like to see in GTA2 Game Hunter. They aren't really in order of priority and not all will be added. It could take a long time to add some of these features.

IRC client features:
  • Nick completion (type first few letters of a nick and then push tab to scroll through all nicks with those letters)
  • Friends list
  • Log chat history to a file
  • Right click on players name brings up context menu
  • /dns command should be run in a separate thread and work on IP addresses
GTA2 Game Hunter features:
  • Move all English text to a language file for easy translation
  • Option to only allow players from certain countries or with a low ping to join your game
  • Port tester (warn and display exactly which ports are not open). Warn others if a host has ports closed.
  • Optionally disable alt+tab, ctrl+escape, Windows keys and other combinations that make GTA2 window lose focus
  • Display each nick in a unique colour.
  • Panic hotkey - if GTA2 crashes and you can't get back to Windows then push this key to kill the GTA2 process
  • Built in NAT to NAT traversal so Hamachi isn't required (very complicated)
  • Option to automatically search hard drive for GTA2
GTA2 Game Hunter protocol:
  • Allow custom status messages
  • Automatic updates
Public statistics:
  • total number of players joined: daily, weekly, yearly, all-time
  • total number of games hosted
  • graph of most popular time/largest number of users online (allow user to select time zone and filter by country)
  • number of times each map has been hosted (most popular, least popular)
Personal statistics:
  • daily, weekly, yearly and total GTA2 playtime
  • total number of games, total number of games against each player, total wins/losses against each player
  • total times played each map (option to sort by that column on map select screen)
  • date each map was last played (option to sort by that column on map select screen)
Difficult to implement:
  • Make it possible to play without opening any ports (at least the joiners shouldn't need open ports)
Unrealistic ideas/highly difficult ideas
  • Make it possible to join at anytime
  • Allow more than 6 players in a single game
  • Optionally hide lag by reducing accuracy and using position prediction
Stand alone/automated GTA2 server:
It's way too much work for the gain and it would still need all players to have ports open. It would not allow joining at any time or more than 5 players. It would be able to run on a computer that doesn't have GTA2 installed. Player 1 would be the stand alone server and wouldn't be human controlled, so it would be best to make custom GTA2 scripts/maps that put player 1 in a location they can't be killed. I think my time would be better spent making a GTA clone or working on other features.
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Re: Ideas and suggestions for GTA2 Game Hunter updates

Post by Razor »

My Idea:

Option "Ignore User" this "mod" allows users to hide messages from users you chose to ignore. We have some Idiots in GH to ingore.
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Re: Ideas and suggestions for GTA2 Game Hunter updates

Post by Salamander »

1- Make it possible to ban people who can change IP address (there are ways).

2- Refuse to connect if a custom nickname and flag is not chosen. "ped123" = feeling of anonimity. See fuckwad theory.

3- Once point 1 is done, GH should run a check that prevents users from registering more than 2 or 3 nicks. Some of the polish players enjoy registering other players' nicks in retaliation for forum arguments or whatever. I'd happily ban both the registrar and the original offender for a week, I'm sure this would quickly put an end to this nonsense, but can't because they use kiddy-net (neostrada/neoplus, known for being given to kids in poland as their first internet present, its users have dynamic ips)

4- GH should join the channel only AFTER it got a reply from nickserv saying that the nick is registered and has identified (or isn't registered, so then no problem). This will prevent !cup and !crown theft and people trying to join as an offline operator to quickly tempban someone, since you have a fraction of a second to paste something before getting disconnected.
/nickserv status nick

Those four points are the most important and needed additions in order to make GH a pleasure to use by all.

5- When joining GH using a registered nick with no password, the user shouldn't just get disconnected, but a popup window should appear informing him that someone else registered the nick already and presenting an option to change the nick. This message should NOT appear in the chat log since almost nobody reads chatlog messages that weren't written by them or their friends. An example is the router message that explains whats wrong and what ports to use, but still everyone keeps asking which ports to forward or what to do.

6- GH should reply to /ping, /ctcp version and /ctcp time requests

More to come.
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Razor »

Leave the note: The possibility of leaving messages for absent players.


/leave "nickname" "msg"

/leave _L_Mati Remember about the script.

When you are absent and Mati has join one of the bots sends to him the message: Hi _L_Mati _L_Razor left a message to you (10/may/2009 17:35): "Remember about the script."

Can be? :)
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Lantyz »

Would it be possible to show the number of players who are joining the games that haven't started yet? This would make it much easier to find games with more players, which are usually a lot more fun than 2p games.
Also, maybe you should consider adding a link to this board to GH. It would provide a nice platform for troubleshooting for newcomers, and would attract more members at the same time.
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by DAFE »

Hi Sektor, is there a way to code GH to store what hosted games that players are in? IE: Lots of people are showing GTA2 status, but it's not known which players are playing together in the same games. Just a thought...there's been a few times where I've wondered who's playing who :P Maybe a right click or hover over players name displaying who's game they're in or some other idea. And hovering over hosting players name might display all joiners and or player join count?

I like the idea of leaving PM's to people who are offline to be sent when user comes back online. Of course they should have an expiration date so they don't build up. Kind of like how MSN Messenger sends you offline messages now.

Font, Size, Bold would be a nice feature as everybody has different sight capability. And we are growing older :P

'Twisties' or collapsable/expandable map selection window items to help control list size, but all the information is still there if needed for troubleshooting purposes.

Stats keeping? players played? Wins/Losses, etc...not sure if you can tap into the games Game Over scores window.

I'm loving the map selection thumbnail image preview, the PM tabs and other work you've done thus far! Good luck and keep up the great work :)
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Razor »

maybe custom sounds?
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Sektor »

I plan to put the game you joined in status instead of just saying GTA2.

I also want to add two columns to the map select screen. "Times played" and "Last played time". That way you could have all the maps you play the most often listed at the top.

Razor, do you mean custom sounds in GTA2? I don't really plan on adding that, you can already include a .raw and .sdt if you want custom sounds but those files are a bit large. It would be great if you could include custom graphics and sounds without having to include all the existing sounds but that would be a huge amount of work.
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Razor »

I thought about adding some sounds to the notifications in gh. That why i call them custom :> not gta2 raw.
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Sektor »

You can put your own custom notification sounds right now but I should include some defaults.
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by TommySprat »

Make Gamehunter force you to use 11.0. If someone tries to log in with any other version give them instructions on how to update to 11.0.
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Sektor »

I think I will force 1.5 users to run v11 or newer. I won't block 1.491 during public beta testing of 1.5 but eventually I will change the channel key.
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Razor »

List of all available commands for the GH. I know that the command is more and more so I propose to create a new topic on the forum with all the commands that will be updated.
And, of course, add a window in GH called "help" or something like that :)
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by BenMillard »

GHBM has a Help > Commands menu item. This shows the instructions you get by typing // into the chat box.

You are a GHBM tester. You should have an e-mail by me with the 10th June 2009 version, so you can tell me if this helps you.
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Razor »

Better support for custom e.gxt (mission text) and nyc.gci (vehicle handling)
can you tell me more?
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Sektor »

It would be useful if GTA2 supported handling file and gxt named the same as your map instead of having to name them as e.gxt and nyci.gci.
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Razor »

I hoped that that was what you meant. ( :) ) Hmm is it doable?
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Wario5 »

I can put together some different collections of sounds for use as notifiers.

Let me know if that would be helpful, Sektor
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by TommySprat »

Can you please change the ban message to something more helpful to the ops? It currently says something like: "You are banned from this chat, probably nothing personal". I'd much rather see a message to inform the people that they have probably been warned by ops and failed to cooperate, and therefore got banned.
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Re: GTA2 Game Hunter - ideas and suggestions

Post by Sektor »

1.5 shows the previous kick reason as ban message.
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