2006-07-30 – MTA:SA trailers and teamsay
MTA:SA will support truck trailers and allow you to send private messages to team members.
Source: MTA:SA blog
2006-07-26 – Vice City Stories PSP box art
Larger image (500KB)
2006-07-20 – MTA:SA Radar Map
Oli has been implementing an ingame full size radar map for MTA:SA deathmatch. He is currently adding a zoom system and customisable transparency.
More information and more status updates on the MTA:SA blog
2006-07-08 – MTA:SA Deathmatch video
MTA:SA Deathmatch won’t be out for a while but they have released a new gameplay movie. It’s 17MB and the download link is on their blog . Not the most exciting video but it certainly looks like much more is synced than MTA:VC. The boxing looks amusing.
2006-07-04 – The Making of Grand Theft Auto
Edge has an interesting article about the creation of GTA1.
2006-07-03 – GTA2 maps and movies
Korean GTA2 multiplayer gameplay videos
race_adventures1.2.zip 595KB – Check Yakuza GTA2 clan (Polish) site for updates
Chaos City