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Finally! No more useless repetitions in mis scripts

Posted: 28 Sep 2011, 20:33
by elypter
I thought about a template markup to avoid all those useless and error prone repetitions in gta2 scripts several times and now i have a solution.

Not a self written parser but a very useful tool named codesmith is the solution. This program is meant to save programming time and avoid errors by doing the repetition that usually had to be done by hand. Very useful, not only for gta2mis.

BC High Land - the first map that uses codesmith
besides the usual files the archive contains a cst and a csp file. the first is the actual template file and the second one a project file that holds information about custom values and the output name.
note: the //{ and //} things dont have anything to do with the template, they're only for the npp syntax highlighting

I also updated notepad syntax highlighting for npp:
you can get it with jed pakx