Collection of gta scripting and map weirdness

Anything to do with GTA1/GTA2 modding (tools, scripts and more).
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Re: Collection of gta scripting and map weirdness

Post by T.M. »

B-$hep wrote:Is it just me or this really makes miss2 crash because of the "CHECK_MULTIPLIER_GREATER" ??

[mis]player_ped p1 = ( 44.5 , 102.0 , 2.0 ) 25 0
Sektor wrote:Yes that crashes the official compiler but I think T.M. found that it works in game if you write it to the SCR file: (2011, time flies).

It certainly counts as scripting weirdness.
Oh yeah, we really need a common paper with all the knowledge... its too widespread. Im surprised Sektor even remembered that bug!
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Re: Collection of gta scripting and map weirdness

Post by Sektor »

I had to search the forum for that command to find the post but it did seem familiar. Thanks for volunteering to clean up all the GTA2 documentation :twisted:
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Re: Collection of gta scripting and map weirdness

Post by B-$hep »

I noticed in hex editor that miss2 puts silently "END" string into .scr file. After declaration like this:
[mis]OBJ_DATA rocket1 = (88.0, 110.0) 0 COLLECT_02 15[/mis]

Did you knew?

Docs say that its used only for ex:
[mis]name = CREATE_OBJ ( float X , float Y ) rotation model END[/mis]

NEW CHANGE: certain commands must have an ‘end’ at the end of the line.

Another undocumented stuff?
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Re: Collection of gta scripting and map weirdness

Post by valps »

Adding a player (e.g. p1) to a gang with

ADD_CHAR_TO_GANG (p1, any_gang)

causes him to lose control of his char if taken out of his car by another char (cop or another player), and to attack this char until he dies. Meanwhile, you be able only to jump or change your weapon.

It's funny because this bug allow you (actually your possessed char) to kill people by punching, which is normally impossible. And it happens in multiplayer as well!
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Re: Collection of gta scripting and map weirdness

Post by valps »

Turning quickly on & off the 6 wanted level causes the game to keep spawning the army on the streets, although wanted level being below 6.

We can do this placing these commands immediately after the LEVELSTART, before any WHILE loop:

Code: Select all

It works even on multiplayer until a player get busted. Even if wanted level increases, the army still spawn.

I tried to find the memory address related to the army spawn, but I didn't get it. It would be fun to create some kind of martial law.
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Bus stop bullshittery

Post by _L1pE_ »

Bus stops only spawn Buses at Z 1 or 2, not any height above that. No slopes should be on the road in-between the stop and the Bus spawn or on the stop itself.

In addition, having any solid tile at any height above the bus stop or the road in-between the bus stop and the Bus spawn will cause buses to never spawn either.

If the road the Bus comes from starts at a T-junction, the Bus might spawn facing the wrong way and never reach the stop. Having traffic arrows going towards the bus stop for the entire line of the road from the first tile of the T-junction will prevent this.
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