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GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing... now with more problems!

Posted: 07 May 2010, 17:16
by Pyro
Alrighty, decided to try and make a new map and script yesterday. Map is coming along fine, but when I try and load the MIS file in to the script compiler it crashes instantly (no error messages or anything). Never remember having this before. Some other MIS files also crash it straight away, while others load OK and compile fine, and others it tries to load but comes up with the "This program has caused an error and needs to close" error.

If it's any help I'm using Windows XP 64-bit, made sure all files etc were not "read only", tried setting miss2.exe to run in Windows 98/2000/XP mode and nothing. A bit stumped. Also, when I try and use Delfi's script compiler it will load OK but will hang once I press "compile". The code itself is extremely simple and used just for testing...

Any help would be great! :shock:

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing...

Posted: 07 May 2010, 17:25
by Gustavob
That is indeed a weird error, it happened to me before, but I'm not sure what caused it either; but I guess sometimes something in script causes it. Can you paste the script?

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing...

Posted: 07 May 2010, 19:16
by Pyro
As I mentioned I'm testing using an extremely simple script...

Code: Select all

PLAYER_PED p1 = ( 103.5 , 114.5 , 2.0 ) 25 270 

COUNTER loop = 1


WHILE_EXEC ( loop = 1 )



I doubt you can get any simpler than that :P Even older MIS files that loaded fine before don't seem to anymore, while others are fine and compile just fine. If it was a script error, it would have loaded it and then I'd need to compile it for it to throw an error, but I don't even get that far! :evil:

Edit - Added the MIS file in question if you want to check it out yourself to compile etc...

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing...

Posted: 07 May 2010, 19:31
by Gustavob
Weird, it compiles fine for me. It freezes for a second on Mis Pad compiler but it still compiles. IDK what is going on :S

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing...

Posted: 07 May 2010, 19:38
by Pyro
Very strange - can you tell me what system you are running? Such as operating system, 32/64 bit etc? Just tried out the GTA2 mis pad by Vike (gta2mispad_vike.exe) and still does not compile and gets stuck at "checking compiler output".

Edit - when I look in the data folder it seems to create a strange file called "bootcamp.###" after I forcefully close it (Delfi's mis pad and the one by Vike also), and all it contains is the exact content of the mis file :? The official compiler doesn't produce that file.

Edit 2 - When the Delfi and Vike compiler is "stuck" the CPU usage is near 90-100% on a single core (default CPU 0) out of the 4 I have. Even changing the affinity to use other cores, even a single core it still gets stuck!

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing...

Posted: 07 May 2010, 19:41
by Gustavob
I'm using Windows XP SP3 32bit. It compiles for me in both mispad versions (gta2mispad.exe and gta2mispad_vike.exe) and in the Official Compiler.

Here is the compiled script (along with the uncompiled one)

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing...

Posted: 08 May 2010, 08:43
by Razor
do you have all files? :D Also there is vike mis pad for gta2 v11 and newer :D My script didnt want to compile once cose i didnt have folder with compilation files in my mis pad :>

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing...

Posted: 08 May 2010, 17:50
by Pyro
Update: New problem - read under Edit 3 below for details...

I think I finally have fixed the issue... I hope.

There must have been an error while I transferred the files over from old hard drive to this one... I have installed a brand new version of GTA2 (the stripped version from GTAMP) and created a new MIS file with the same details and compiled it in Vikes compiler and it works! Also, it even loads in the official GTA2 compiler as well and not suddenly close.

Now then, I think I can finally carry on with this... time to copy the scripts and maps over to new folder while leaving the essential files intact in the new installation :P

Edit - as soon as I moved the bulk of the maps/missions/scripts over to new folder it came up with the same error... there must be a troublesome file somewhere in the data directory... :evil: And also, I can't seem to get the powermanager to recognise my new GTA2 folder to enable debug options (I have up to 11.3 beta 6 exe by Vike and even tried using the registry thingy as well). I get all the fun I swear :shock:

Edit 2 - Going to try and install the official free version of GTA2 from the Rockstar site and use the contents in the "powerpatch" registry file from GTAMP and apply it to the new version... hopefully it'll work!

Edit 3 - Still no luck. Installed a fresh copy from the official installer and even did the powerpatch thingy and used the updated GTA2 exe (v11.3 beta 06) and tried using manager-hkcu.exe (as it says in the post about it) and I still don't have any debug options? What am I missing/doing wrong? If someone could explain from scratch (from installing either the light version or official version will do) and how to make it work properly I'd be very grateful! Preferably easy steps to follow and in correct order, I think I may just be too old/forgetful! Thanks to anyone who can help... Oh, and the frame-rate seems to be a little sluggish too, any fix for that?

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing... now with more problems!

Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 09:27
by Vike the Hube
Are you still having issues with this? been a while.

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing... now with more problems!

Posted: 26 Jun 2010, 18:23
by Pyro
Yes it is still picky with names for some reason. Even using some sensible names will not compile. In one test I remember using "test.mis" as a name and it would not compile! Also tested things like "armyassault.mis" that wouldn't compile so I had to shorten it to just "assault.mis" Even using an extremely short name such as "a.mis" will not compile. Never had any of these issues years back although was using Windows 98 SE back then.

I was working on a tutorial level script (single player) which would have had missions but even though the main file compiled fine (named "tutorial.mis") I had mission file names such as "tut_ze1.mis" (tutorial zaibatsu easy mission 1) which wouldn't compile. Tried a few variations of a mission file name but didn't like any of them. In game code, you actually link to a named MIS file from the script and then it compiles that as well as main script.

Mildly annoying :evil: Not sure if anything can be done about it? I suppose easiest way is just loading the MIS pad and doing Save As and pick some random names to save as and then compile to see if it works.

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing... now with more problems!

Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 00:10
by Vike the Hube
Very strange indeed. Almost sounds like you're having hardware problems. Did you get the debug options displaying in the manager fine?

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing... now with more problems!

Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 13:58
by BenMillard
Only filename issues I've had with compiling scripts have been:
  • Name too long. Longest I've used successfully slayer-race.mis.
  • Character not supported. Think I tried one with a space in the name.

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing... now with more problems!

Posted: 24 Jul 2010, 04:28
by Sektor
You have to delete the *.tmp and maybe the *.### files since they sometimes crash the compiler.

This crashes the compiler if you don't delete the .tmp file first. Maybe someone can figure out why.
(4.18 KiB) Downloaded 957 times

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing... now with more problems!

Posted: 24 Jul 2010, 11:03
by Vike the Hube
Haha, "someone" :P Very subtle.

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing... now with more problems!

Posted: 26 Sep 2010, 23:10
by Sektor
Creating shops without a Z coordinate crashes the compiler. Trademark told me that on 2010-07-31 but I only remembered today when Gustavob gave me a script that crashed.


Code: Select all

PLAYER_PED player1 = (12.5, 34.5, 2.0) -1 180
OBJ_DATA oilslickshop1 = (9.5, 38.5) 0 CAR_SHOP OILSLICK_SHOP

Code: Select all

PLAYER_PED player1 = (12.5, 34.5, 2.0) -1 180
OBJ_DATA oilslickshop1 = (9.5, 38.5, 255.0) 0 CAR_SHOP OILSLICK_SHOP
If you find anything else that crashes the compiler, post it here.

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing... now with more problems!

Posted: 30 Sep 2012, 19:48
by BenMillard
All these paths compile when using the contents of epza.mis from Pure Zooka Arena.

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal Tournament\ut-f.mis
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal Tournament\ut-fr.mis
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal Tournament\ut-fra.mis
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal Tournament\ut-frac.mis
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal Tournament\ut-fract.mis
All these paths cause Mis Pad to freeze when compiling:

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal Tournament\ut-fracta.mis
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal Tournament\ut-fractal.mis
  • Generates a .### file and a .tmp file.
  • Displays a "Preparing compiler" message.
  • Hangs for a little while.
  • Displays a "Checking compiler output" message.
  • Locks up permanently.
  • Have to use End Process from Windows Task Manager. (Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.)
If I get exactly the "wrong" number of characters, neither message is shown as a popup. Instead the logging pane at the bottom of the window shows the paths to the .### and .tmp files.

All these paths compile:

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal\ut-f.mis
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal\ut-fr.mis
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal\ut-fra.mis
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal\ut-frac.mis
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal\ut-fract.mis
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal\ut-fracta.mis
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games\GTA2\Mods by Me\Unreal\ut-fractal.mis
Keep forgetting about this path length limit. 84 characters was longest reliable path for me tonight.

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing... now with more problems!

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 20:11
by B-$hep
Why the fu*k i created ScriptPad if nobody uses it?
It solves the problem with long paths like this.

What's wrong with ScriptPad?

It's here:

Download and use, and throw away the mispad.

I can always update, modify, implement requested features and FIX bugs, if someone asks or needs.
Just for myself i wont do it. Im busy with my other project atm.

But support is working!

Re: GTA2 Script Compiler Crashing... now with more problems!

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 22:29
by BenMillard
I think the thread covers lots of things wrong with it? If it worked properly we'd all use it, I'm sure.

Looking forwards to it being finished, same as the Tile Selektor you're working on. Let's keep this thread on-topic though.