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Downtown Co-op Campaign mode

Posted: 18 Sep 2024, 11:25
by valps
Hello everyone!

While doing the Open Downtown project, I was tinkering the code just to know how the game will deal with 2 players in a singleplayer script. I discovered that it worked very well. To be honest, I was expecting a lot of desync issues or even crashes, but just placing another PLAYER_PED on script I get some small issues:

1 - desync when the one player has enough respect to answer and launch a mission but the other player does not.
2 - desync when Player 2 dies in some missions, so Player 2 fails the mission but Player 1 remains playing it.
3 - game crash whenever the Player 2 is in a mission car as a passenger when it is parked at some garage.

All other missions features are working very well. All these issues can be easily fixed, and two of them are already fixed:

1 - A mission will launch to both players if Player 1 has respect enough to launch the mission. If Player 1 does but not Player 2, the script will automatically increase the Player 2 gang respect until he is able to launch the mission simultaneously with Player 1.

2 - I noted that in some missions the death-arrest check is disabled, and the mission fail by death/arrest is done manually. In these missions, I noted that Player 2 does not fail the mission when he dies playing them. So I modified all missions to handle death-arrest manually (advantages of a open source code) and I managed to fix the Player 2 desync issue.

3 - There is not fixed yet, but for now the players can easily avoid such situation: If the car has to be parked at some garage, the Player 2 must get out of it before it parks. I want in future versions to modify these missions to oblige and warn Player 2 to exit the car when its needed, so this problem will be properly fixed.

There is a video when I (alone) did almost all Loonies missions and a Yakuza mission

Download (version 0.2.0, see the readme to know what's new):
(273.06 KiB) Not downloaded yet
If you find a bug, especially desync or crash issues, write down on this topic and let me know the details.
