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Modding impossible kill frenzies in Residential district

Posted: 28 Jul 2022, 21:33
by Baron Raven
Hey dudes.

I want to complete GTA 2 100%. But the residential district has impossible kill frenzies. I know about the wang car glitch, but:
1. It's patched for me;
2. Too much effort grinding it;
3. It's still bug abuse.

Is there ANY way to add at least an extra minute to these challenges?

I know that the official .mis for this map was never released. I know that the only .scr decompiler available is not complete.

Re: Modding impossible kill frenzies in Residential district

Posted: 01 Aug 2022, 04:58
by Sektor
You could do it with Cheat Engine or you could patch ste.scr.

Until someone creates a full featured SCR patcher, you'll have to do it manually.


Open STE.SCR in a hex editor, ctrl+F to search for A701????????????????3C and change the 3C part to 78.

That will change 60 second timers to 120 second timers.

Re: Modding impossible kill frenzies in Residential district

Posted: 01 Aug 2022, 05:31
by Sektor
Here's one I prepared earlier:
I haven't tested every Frenzy. The text will still say 60 seconds, if you want to change that, you need to edit e.gxt.