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Deathstruction Derby - Pyro

Posted: 13 Apr 2009, 00:52
by Sektor
This is either a 2 player or 4 player map. You (and your chums) are set in an arena to battle it to the death. At your disposal are various cars (that respawn after there destroyed). Along the arena floor you will pick up various car/hand weapons to use.

You'll also find white "X"'s on the floor... do avoid these at all costs as when you drive into them (accidentally or on purpose) it'll go bang, so watch it.

On the east side of the arena is a crane that will lift your car to the arena walls. Along here are various goodies to have, so make sure you get up there first! And on the west side is a crane to lower your car back into the arena so you can contine fighting! You can only WALK up on the gantries to the wall, as there are car blockers on the floor and top of wall to stop you getting up, and making you use the cranes!

You'll also find some cars lying about the arena, these are one-off cars with a difference. When you (or anyone else jumps in one), you automatically accelerate, and the only way to stop it is either by jumping out again or blowing it up. The cars are useful if you know how to control them...

Finally, you'll be hindered by my lovely troops who will shoot EVERYONE, and yes, they are invincible too... so do keep away from them, you're liable to end up dead...

Final Notes

Thanks goes out to Cerbera for putting up with me and by helping me test out the 2 player version and suggesting ideas! Cheers!

Re: Deathstruction Derby - Pyro

Posted: 16 Apr 2009, 18:51
by Pyro
Map Img by Kamil.