Looking for Photoshop artists.

Anything to do with GTA1/GTA2 modding (tools, scripts and more).
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Car Jacker
Car Jacker
Posts: 20
Joined: 01 May 2014, 11:37
GH nick: Nightstalker

Looking for Photoshop artists.

Post by Nightstalker »

Hello there, I'm working on GTA 2 character models. Right now I made Jerkov only, but I'm looking to make other models, like gang members and leaders, law enforcement and such. However, I won't get far without textures, and I'm unable to make them on my own. If anyone there would be able to help me, that'd be great.
Here's what I have:
Some screenshots may be a little outdated and different parts of the model might be changed.
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