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Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 11:42
by Hippox77
Sektor wrote:I knew there must be some other program for slowing the frame rate. Fraps can do it but only when recording video, so that wasn't very practical. Now is there a frame rate tool that works on ATI and other video cards?
Yeah. Well, this enforces it on the driver level, though. It works in all games, even DirectDraw games.

You cannot do it on a driver level with ATI, no. But there's MSI Afterburner that works in quite well in DirectX games, at least, but it might not be as stable, not sure, though.

On a unrelated side note:

There isn't any known way to disable auto aim in this game, right?

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 11:49
by Vike the Hube
Auto aim? You mean on the two guns in the game that have it? :P

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 05 Nov 2012, 11:57
by Hippox77
Vike the Hube wrote:Auto aim? You mean on the two guns in the game that have it? :P
Yeah, well, I thought it'd be slightly cooler without it on those guns. Not a huge turn-off by any means, though. :)

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 13 Dec 2012, 14:17
by Rick
Already read it here but this one would be nice indeed:
:arrow: Possibility to uncheck "Show Playernames" function for every player for new gaming possibilities
:arrow: Selectable dusk or noon setting for all Players
May be these can also be done via GH.

:arrow: REPAIR_CAR (carname) command for the script
Would be sufficient if done like in the shops too, with scripted cars the remap could also be reset with the next command line.

:arrow: larger raw file support. The maximum size of a raw file is limited to 6MB - just 2 more MegaBytes would be epic!

And one more - we already talked about in GH - wich would be probably the biggest pain in the ass:
:arrow: keys (for example the number keys) wich trigger soundfiles inside the raw file and play
them back at the players local position (useful for commands like "Follow Me!" or at least more variety in burp and fart sounds :D )
If at least a key detection is easy to implement this would be awesome for scripters too, right now the only way to trigger events
(by button!) is pressing a horn.

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 13 Dec 2012, 19:18
by elypter
Rick wrote: :arrow: REPAIR_CAR (carname) command for the script
Would be sufficient if done like in the shops too, with scripted cars the remap could also be reset with the next command line.
a command like this already exists or was planned, it's just not working, just like SET_NO_COLLIDE_OFF(or what it was called)

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 14 Dec 2012, 22:23
by Salamander
Vike can I set the player's GTA2 name (the one you'd set in the Network GTA2 window) in any other way?
Perhaps via command line, the same way you'd specify the replay file:

Code: Select all

gta2.exe -r foo.rep -n Hubert
or via the registry:

Code: Select all

cat <<EOF > /tmp/gta2reg.reg
	[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DMA Design Ltd\GTA2\Network]
	wine regedit /tmp/gta2reg.reg
I was hoping the registry one would work, but neither does.
I need to automate this so I can easily loop over an array of nicks and replay files when recording them to video.

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 15 Dec 2012, 01:31
by Sektor
There's no command line setting player name. You have to change names in the registry before launching each instance of GTA2.

There's also no command for repairing vehicles or restoring player health.

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 15 Dec 2012, 19:29
by Rick
Sure there are none - it´s a wish list.
I thought to access the check box in the gtamanager network section would be the easiest of them.
But of course i don´t know which ones are possible and worth considering - for me they all are.
I read about the hard work here...
Is it still worth to ask Rockstar for the code? - I didn´t do it yet.

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 15 Dec 2012, 21:49
by Salamander
Sektor wrote:There's no command line setting player name. You have to change names in the registry before launching each instance of GTA2.
Is it the key I wrote? I checked in the GH code and it seems to be that one, and my script does update it with a different nick before running each GTA2 instance, but it has no effect. I don't get why not. Communists?

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 00:33
by Sektor
That's the right key. Something must be wrong with your script or timing.

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 00:38
by Vike the Hube
Definitely communists :P

Yeah most of these things we've discussed before. At some point I'm planning on collecting together all the "Game options" (like car spawn settings, game speed, dusk, player names, blah blah there's heaps) and sticking them in options in the lobby. But it's surprisingly annoying. I know where the dialogs are in the code so I can add more controls, but then I have to write a buttload of code to hand the dialog procedure. And somehow hook in to how it currently propagates settings across the network, that's the hardest part. It's most cuz it's a much larger block of work than I normally do that I haven't yet.

I don't think Rockstar will ever release the source code cuz they're probably worried it will compete with future products... e.g. if someone ported it to mobile. But there's no harm in asking, you never know, it might work [jailfree]

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 16:45
by elypter
i don't know any of the assembler tools but maybe it is possible to write the required code in c and let the ide do the compilation and merging.

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 04:40
by Vike the Hube
My dad said the same thing a few days ago actually. But unfortunately no, I can't. Besides the fact I'd have to copy it into the exe and wire it in, I need access to addresses- for memory access, but also for code calls. Pretty annoying. Assembly's not too bad, it's actually the interactions with the gta2 code that is the harder part.


Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 17:53
by Pyro
Any word of maybe getting Gun Jeep's to use same controls/code as tanks to make NPC's use the gun? *shifty eyes* :P

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 22:13
by Sektor
NPCs use the gunjeep gun on Dafe's Death Valley but you can't order them to fire at a specific object like you can with a tank.

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 06 Mar 2013, 22:22
by CarThief
I've been wondering, is there any list of command line inputs one can use for gta2.exe? As i havent been able to find any. Or something similar to that, in any case, as i've been wondering if its possible to make a .bat or something similar to have GTA2 run a specific gmp, sty, scr and possibily gxt file in singleplayer.

Would be quite handy for testing and for if i ever manage to release the singleplayer project i'm working on people dont have to fiddle as much with the manager to play a custom singleplayer map. Hm, and is it possible to even have a custom gxt file for singleplayer at all?
Figured i'd ask here considering its about the game/engine itself. Considering the manager can do these functions it doesnt sound very hard to implement these, if they arent already there.

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 07 Mar 2013, 05:14
by Sektor
The command line options are in this FAQ:

Custom singleplayer GXT isn't supported yet (other than overwriting e.gxt or starting in network mode). It's on Vike's todo list.

GTA2 doesn't have any command line to specify GMP/STY/SCR/savegame but I could make an EXE that writes those to the registry or you could include carthief.reg file with your map and a bat file that runs regedit /s carthief.reg.

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 07 Mar 2013, 21:30
by CarThief
Yeah would have been nice if custom gxt's where available the same way you can set different gmp, sty and scr files, saves having to manually swap e.gxt all the time.

I'm a bit confused about the whole regedit though, would editing/overwriting the registry mean values like what map, sty and scr is selected in the manager would be overwritten, or something similar but deeper like in the .seq file that handles singleplayer if i recall correctly?
Would like to know what exactly that does before trying anything like that, as i'm not that familiar with the registry and such. :P

Just hope the end result of such is that it runs GTA2 with those files, and hopefully has no significant drawbacks.

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 07 Mar 2013, 23:54
by Sektor
You can create these .reg files in notepad, just make sure you save them with the reg extension and not filename.reg.txt. Import into the registry by running:

regedit /s carthief.reg


Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DMA Design Ltd\GTA2\Debug]
Drawback? Running gta2.exe will always start on your map but you can disable "skip frontend" by importing the following file:


Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DMA Design Ltd\GTA2\Debug]
That will allow the normal GTA2 frontend to load. The - means delete that key value.

Re: Vike's enhanced GTA2

Posted: 08 Mar 2013, 01:19
by Vike the Hube
The registry is what the manager uses. You can think of the registry as a fancy config file [jailfree] So by using the registry stuff Sektor has provided you're automating the process of using the manager to do it. Personally, in your batch file, I would import the first one, run gta2, then import the second once gta2 has exited. That way it's neat and self contained and doesn't mess with the rest of the player's gta2.