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Golden Lap

Posted: 28 Dec 2009, 13:13
by Razor
Hi, I would like you to present a new race created by Heri and Me (and many helpers).

First I show you promote video:

Download Golden Lap 4.5 beta - 5.0 doesn't include mis files

This is F1 Race hmmm it looks like f1 race :D (Ben told as many shortcomings but it still GTA2 do not expect big stuffs :P)

MAX Players: 4 (dont have script lines for more)

At the beginning each Player chooses F1 Team.

How to play:
1. Do not get out of the car - if you do race is over for you (car is closed after first take)
2. Be careful when choosing cars as someone falls from the platform and does not take the car then race is over for him.
3. Qualifying lap - you have 2 minutes to pass the 1 full lap. This person has received a better time from the other will be competed with the better-off position. If you do not you put in the time your race is over.
4. Pitlane is closed until the beginning of the main race - so watch out for 1 lap qualifying is not too much to spoil the car.
5. There are 3 lap,I think it is enough.
6. Refueling - to refuel hold the horn (default TAB). If not enough fuel if desired, and the mechanics returned to the shelter, you hold the key again and mechanics return and help you again.

I think thats all :)

Any suggestions are welcome!

Sry for my englis :>

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 28 Dec 2009, 21:26
by Gustavob
Good work Razor and Heri, but shouldnt this post be on the Multiplayer Maps forum?
Also, will it have dusk lighting :P ?

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 28 Dec 2009, 23:34
by Razor
its beta :) and not yet dusk will be in final v.

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 28 Dec 2009, 23:38
by Gustavob
Razor wrote:its beta :) and not yet dusk will be in final v.
Right. Still, I think there should be more sections in this forum, like for (beta) projects and stuff. Keep the good work with the map guys, its getting very good.

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 29 Dec 2009, 03:13
by Razor
Gustavob wrote:
Razor wrote:its beta :) and not yet dusk will be in final v.
Right. Still, I think there should be more sections in this forum, like for (beta) projects and stuff. Keep the good work with the map guys, its getting very good.
any ideas report to sektor (pm)

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 29 Dec 2009, 03:42
by BenMillard
Thanks for making a topic. The video is very well done! I love the grid position checks, starting lights and "False Start" warnings.

Here's a list of things I noticed. Typed them all to Heri but lost them. He kindly e-mailed them back to me, so here they are for everyone.
  1. I can't view it in editor
  2. The car you're using handles nothing like F1 car. Walls and tyres can stop you instantly. That's a HUGE penalty for tiny mistakes with uncontrollable car. the car swings back and forth like a rally car.
  3. There's no screenshots
  4. There's no map of the track
  5. The car proportions are all wrong. the side pods are far too wide and the back of the car looks like it was crashed. the colours are good though
  6. Rear tyres are smaller than front tyres!
  7. Grid slots are too far apart
  8. If I take the Brawn GP and drive straight to the exit, I crash into the door. need to open it sooner (why have it closed in the first place?)
  9. I waited in pole position to start my lap, but nothing happened...timer was counting down but lights just flashed red and there's no text telling me to start.
  10. Barriers are far too close to the track, especially on the outside of turns. and why are there TYRES at the edge of a FORMULA ONE racetrack?! it's like a go-kart track! maybe there's a way to slow cars down if they go wide, without making them crash to a stop. it's very very damaging to hit a 45 degree wall. these walls and tyres stop you instantly
  11. You could add some hills to make it more interesting visually. the shallowest slope might look OK on straights. add some elevation changes, using shallowest slope
  12. Add a bridge, like Suzuka
  13. The corners are a bit boring towards the end of the lap. the long curves are amazing, very nice textures and mapped perfectly.
  14. My confusion over qualifying meant I did not qualify
  15. Game said Race Over but the game did not end (this happens in all "Race Over" situations it seems).
  16. There are stairs leading down from the pit garage roof, but you can't go anywhere. it's a dead end.
  17. Fences are wrong on the North face above the banner for Ferrari, BrawnGP, Red Bull and McLaren. it's a tall grey one instead of the short black one
  18. There are no lights for Dusk. At least set the ambient light so players can see!
  19. One and a half laps for an entire tank of fuel?! That is completely stupid.
  20. Some cars are closer to F1 cars than you would think. A-Type, Wellard, Stinger for example. Meteor might be a bit too heavy at low speed.
  21. Engine sounds should be like F1 car. The GT-A1 uses Sound 6 which we can edit using GTA Wave 4. I tested speeding up an existing engine sounds by 100%, then by 100% again. Worked and sounded better but far from perfect.
  22. Curves should join up with 45 degree straights. This would let us more more types of curve and make them smoother.
  23. Kerb pieces are hard to join up:
    1. Do we really need 3 types of red/white pattern? Just makes it harder to choose the right one, I think.
    2. Making short kerbs on 45 degree kinks seems impossible, because the inner kerb doesn't join the straight road end-of-kerb piece.
    3. 90 degree sharp curve with kerb doesn't join 45 degree kink properly, because there's a thin bit of red at the end of the 45 degree one. (Maybe I can flip the corner around so other end touches the 45 degree part?)
  24. Some corners don't have versions with kerbs. Like the grassy 90 degree corners when you exit car park tunnel in Golden there a version of those with kerbs?
  25. A set of 22.5 degree straights would be handy. If the long curve joined with with these and with 45 degree straights, we could make really natural-feeling tracks.
Hmm, quite a long list. :shock:

Ideas for Handling Improvements
I have officially given up with GTA2 handling...again! There's just no sense to it. Even with identical settings in nyc.gci two cars will turn differently.

I looked at axle positions with Dafe and these might be having an effect. Short wheelbase should mean sharper turns and harder to control. But some vehicles seem the opposite of this. And the differences are really small. I dunno...maybe more testing would reveal the truth.

It could use a different nyc.gci file and provide 2 batch files to swap it. Not super elegant but will work for pro users. Each car could use a different model and have slightly different performance:
  • Brawn could be best at low speed corners.
  • Red Bull could be like Brawn but better at high speed corners.
  • Ferrari could be best for accelerating in 2nd and 3rd gear (like having KERS) but lower grip and harder to control.
  • McLaren could be like Ferrari but easier to control.
This way, noobs can use the best car and pro players can use harder cars. This makes the racing closer and everyone gets a good challenge. I was thinking:
  • Accelerate and handle a bit like Z-Type at low speed.
  • Turn like Stinger at medium speed, hardly slowing down.
  • Change direction quickly, like Wellard, and steer like Wellard at high speed.
  • Build up speed gradually like Miura but with a top speed higher than GT-A1.
  • 1st gear should accelerate faster than 3rd gear, with 2nd gear between them.

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 29 Dec 2009, 19:05
by Razor
1. becouse it uses custom sty and many of .pal are changed... Hod did you do that gtamap editor reads your ms.sty?
2. we could add custom handling for advenced players (sektor maybe add support for custom handling and gtx files in new gh version). If you want you can help us with this handling :) but you know it should be hard to drives :)
3. its beta
4. its beta
5. create better :) we are not graphic designers
6. same us 5.
7. wtf :) i do not know why it bothers you
8. now its not
9. we will check it out but give us more details
10. it still gta2... so dont be so particular. I know you're a perfectionist but I think that we have done a lot in this project :)
11. i think we will
12. maybe
13. ill speak with heri he designed track
14. dk what you are talking about
15. more details
16. dk what it is heri designed that
17. gimme ss i dk what you talking about
18. will be in final v
19. its gta2... do you think that anybody want to drive 99 laps? it is stiupid :)
20. up to no 2

anyway thanks :)

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 29 Dec 2009, 19:33
by Gustavob
Razor wrote: 17. gimme ss i dk what you talking about
This is what Ben is talking about:

South face of the fence is a tiny black fence
North face is a tall grey fence. Look inside the yellow rectangles.

The red line is for separating two images, one taken on the north and the other on the south of the fence

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 05 Jan 2010, 16:54
by B-$hep
Impressive work guys, really. Amazing actually what you can do [in] and [for] GTA2.
Race tracks in GTA2. Never thought about possibility of that.
But of course with STY modding, you can do almost any gfx.

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 05:43
Hey Heri/Razor,

Great work so far guys...I REALLY LIKE THE FLAGS ;)
So I have some feedback now from some races we've recently played on BETA v4.5:

- If a player falls off the car platform edge, dies(fragged/suicides) or doesn't qualify, they can not race. IMO That is too long for those players to sit around in stands and wait race out. How about spawning some last placing cars on the grid after qualifying is done to allow those players to still race but be in a later position?

- Will there be support for 6 racers? Beta v4.5 seems to only have support for 4 racers right now.

- Us noobie racers found that finding our pit crew and pitstop spot tough to figure out. Could you make sure that the racers uniforms match the pitcrews uniforms (McClaren doesn't seem to match up not sure about others at this point). Also could an image or smaller image of the car be drawn around the pit stop area? Either a translucent image where car is supposed to park at its own pitstop or in signage/posters? This will help make it clearer as to where you're supposed to stop. Also, maybe some textures could be added around where the cars spawn in FONTS of the team names to help players know who they are? Could the Fuel Guage also have a side profile image of the car on the right hand side as another indicator as to who you are?

- The last race we races was with of the players left the race ( Because he died ) and left us with 3 to continue racing. I noticed that the game stated 'Race Over' before the last car crossed finish line...the last car was approaching finish line when this happened. Also, when that player left, his FUEL GUAGE RESPECT-O-METER still remained on screen...I'm wondering if it can and should be removed when players leave game or don't race?

- Travelling through pit lane seems to save you some time ( shortcut ) for final lap

- Would it be possible to add to the script or include another script version that adds OIL SLICK to the cars at pit stop time? This will make the racing more fun and interesting IMO so that you don't get bored sticking to the same racing lines all the time and add more variable to race.

- If you plan on keeping the idea of respawning players in stands, can you spawn some throwing weapons and other weapons in that area so they have something to do while waiting it out?

- Any way of locking a car into place once it finds the correct placing on the grid? ( Turn on Brakes or something ), Can the car doors be LOCKED once player jumps in a car to prevent player from leaving car?

- If you need to free up some Scripting space, I think you can remove every other set of tires on the track...I believe it'll still keep the same effect that you were going for as a barrier and environment.

- The current car physics are insane when playing 1P but smoothen out fine when playing network game with some lag.

- Also, I've noticed that the health hearts are invisible, but the half or partial hearts are not invisible partial health hearts display on screen.

- Could the players small coloured arrows be colour coded to the player so you can know better who is where?

- Some of the cars seem to have tiny rear tires...they would look better if they were at least the same size as the fronts or a little bigger.

That's it for now guys...keep up the good work...Looking forward to the final day :P

PLEASE PLEASE give us Oil Slicks at PITSTOP time :P

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 15:04
by Gustavob
DAFE wrote: Can the car doors be LOCKED once player jumps in a car to prevent player from leaving car?
They tried that in an older version, and it didnt work. Player could get out of car but then couldnt get back in (with CHANGE_CAR_LOCK command). Though there's a mission in Residential District called "Grandpa We Love You!" in wich you have to kill three loonies in the race part. At that part of mission, you enter the car you want to race with and then you cant get out of it. Heri said something about GET_REMOTE_CONTROL_OF_CAR for that, this one may work.

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 29 Jan 2010, 15:07
by Sektor
Remote control can work well for races, you might have to turn off the player arrows and add your own. You could respawn a remote control car at certain checkouts if it explodes instead of having to go back to the start.

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 31 Jan 2010, 13:54
by Heri
Remote control is nice, but It CANT be repaired while u driving it, so I cant use it in Golden Lap :(
DAFE wrote: - Will there be support for 6 racers? Beta v4.5 seems to only have support for 4 racers right now.

Will be in future. Version for 5-6 players will be little different.
DAFE wrote: - Us noobie racers found that finding our pit crew and pitstop spot tough to figure out. Could you make sure that the racers uniforms match the pitcrews uniforms (McClaren doesn't seem to match up not sure about others at this point). Also could an image or smaller image of the car be drawn around the pit stop area? Either a translucent image where car is supposed to park at its own pitstop or in signage/posters? This will help make it clearer as to where you're supposed to stop. Also, maybe some textures could be added around where the cars spawn in FONTS of the team names to help players know who they are? Could the Fuel Guage also have a side profile image of the car on the right hand side as another indicator as to who you are?

I checked the uniforms and u have right, mclaren's team and player not look same. I will improve that.
The cars look like the real F1 cars, if someone watched the f1 race, he should recognize it.
But I will add names of team near cars spawn places, it will be clear for everyone.
DAFE wrote: - The last race we races was with of the players left the race ( Because he died ) and left us with 3 to continue racing. I noticed that the game stated 'Race Over' before the last car crossed finish line...the last car was approaching finish line when this happened. Also, when that player left, his FUEL GUAGE RESPECT-O-METER still remained on screen...I'm wondering if it can and should be removed when players leave game or don't race?

I have to test it in game couse script look fine :F
Fuel gauge will stay on screen if player will leave game. Its possible to hidden it, but I dont have space in script for that, its not important so it can be like this.[/quote]
DAFE wrote: - Travelling through pit lane seems to save you some time ( shortcut ) for final lap

I will change this plance, this part will be a little longer.
DAFE wrote: - Would it be possible to add to the script or include another script version that adds OIL SLICK to the cars at pit stop time? This will make the racing more fun and interesting IMO so that you don't get bored sticking to the same racing lines all the time and add more variable to race.

I dont know if I will include this stuff to normal race, mby I will make new ver. with that stuff.
DAFE wrote: - If you plan on keeping the idea of respawning players in stands, can you spawn some throwing weapons and other weapons in that area so they have something to do while waiting it out?

I can't add throwing weapons, becouse they could kill a player who is in pitlane. If player will die, he can explore part map where he is =D
DAFE wrote: - Any way of locking a car into place once it finds the correct placing on the grid? ( Turn on Brakes or something ), Can the car doors be LOCKED once player jumps in a car to prevent player from leaving car?

There is a way to lock car if he is on correct place before start.. that way is create some ITEM under car, then u will cant move, but if player will want to move, his car will get damages :< So its bad idea for that.
If player is in car, the door are locked. So none can stole your car.
DAFE wrote: - If you need to free up some Scripting space, I think you can remove every other set of tires on the track...I believe it'll still keep the same effect that you were going for as a barrier and environment.
The tires are not in main script, so it not help me with space in main script. I made the other scripts for loading objects + qualification sesion + add poinst after race + smth more
DAFE wrote: - Also, I've noticed that the health hearts are invisible, but the half or partial hearts are not invisible partial health hearts display on screen.
Yeah, It will be invisible too. I forgot about this.
DAFE wrote: - Could the players small coloured arrows be colour coded to the player so you can know better who is where?
Arrow must be pink, couse the other colored arrows are invisible couse of 'gangs' (Fuel gauge). U can check how this map look in other *sty. U will be surprised =d
DAFE wrote: - Some of the cars seem to have tiny rear tires...they would look better if they were at least the same size as the fronts or a little bigger.
yeah, mby I will change it.

Sorry for my super pro english :D

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 21:23
by Gustavob
Heri wrote:I can't add throwing weapons, becouse they could kill a player who is in pitlane. If player will die, he can explore part map where he is =D
Add some normal weapons like machine guns and rocket launchers then, not necessarily molotovs/grenades. They cant "hurt" players that are in pitlane :P. Also, like dafe said, its nice to have weapons there because then players can do something while waiting

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 18:21
by Razor
hi anybody can convert and put that file into raw?
(63.92 KiB) Downloaded 1820 times
Replace it for SFX SPORTS SALOON ENGINE and upload it here :)

Last version of GL which raw : ... ta_4.5.rar

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 17:29
by Razor
now GL is available which .mis files :P

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 18:02
by Sektor
I didn't have to convert that file for it to play in GTA2. It sounds more like an F1 car than the original sound but it sounds different to playing the engine2.wav in another audio player.

Which download has the .mis file?

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 15 Feb 2010, 20:22
by Gustavob
Razor wrote:hi anybody can convert and put that file into raw?
The attachment Engine2.rar is no longer available
Replace it for SFX SPORTS SALOON ENGINE and upload it here :)
Here it is
f1 sdt with f1 car sound.rar
guess what
(4.56 MiB) Downloaded 1706 times
no need to convert nothing, though

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 21 Mar 2010, 16:19
by Razor

Re: Golden Lap - Betatests

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 20:43
by BenMillard
Download link in first message has expired, which is the one everyone will try first. Anton gave me this download link. The file is 16MB...what the hell?!

Please upload a small and authoritative file for this level. Even with custom STY it should be less than 2MB. (The whole MultiSlayer download, plus preview images, is 1.96MB. And that's only using ZIP compression.)

(EDIT) LOL! 16MB and still now readme.txt!

(EDIT2) Oh, super weak default GT-A1 handling. Feel free to include the F1 car handling I did for Macau Race (forum post).

(EDIT3) Both levels could be updated to use the custom GCIfile field for .mmp files, which Vike added in version GTA2 v11.3.

(EDIT4) I've re-released Macau Race to do this.