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How to control direction of rocket launcher's shot from car?

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 19:22
In some videos I have seen that player can leave the car (by pressing enter) and immediately shot from the rocket launcher. I tried to to this trick but I can't control the direction of this shot - looks like it is choosen randomly, including shooting "to the car" and sending me to the sky.

How to control this direction? I tried to hold arrow keys when leaving the car, but it didn't help.

Re: How to control direction of rocket launcher's shot from

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 19:24
by Gustavob
it always shoots south. Unless you leave car, wait a sec while still leaving it then shoot, if you do it like that it will shoot forwards, always

Re: How to control direction of rocket launcher's shot from

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 19:32
by elypter
or backwards if you get out of the second or backdoor.

Re: How to control direction of rocket launcher's shot from

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 19:35
Gustavob wrote:it always shoots south. Unless you leave car, wait a sec while still leaving it then shoot, if you do it like that it will shoot forwards, always
I've just checked. If I'm driving, pressing enter, waiting for a 0.3..0.5 sec and pressing fire shoots straight forward (according to car's current direction).

But if I press enter (leave a car) and IMMEDIATELY press fire it shoots NOT to south, I tested twise, in both sutuations it shoots to car (and kills me). I've driven to the left (from east to west) and shooting to south would not kill me, so direction is not to south.

What's wrong?

Re: How to control direction of rocket launcher's shot from

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 19:36
by elypter
south is down you know?

Re: How to control direction of rocket launcher's shot from

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 19:51
elypter wrote:south is down you know?
Yes I know. You said that RL shoots to south (down). I've tested and I've shoot myself, so rocket was shooted not to south, but to North (maybe, or other near to North direction).
gta2_wrong_shooting.png (20.21 KiB) Viewed 18494 times

Re: How to control direction of rocket launcher's shot from

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 20:24
by Gustavob
hold shoot button before leaving car, then leave

Re: How to control direction of rocket launcher's shot from

Posted: 03 Dec 2011, 01:29
Gustavob wrote:hold shoot button before leaving car, then leave
Thank you.

Re: How to control direction of rocket launcher's shot from

Posted: 06 Dec 2011, 02:18
by Salamander
What my noob assistants here failed to mention is that the rocket is shot out of the same door you got into, and always South. Taking your car screenshot as an example, if you entered the vehicle using the southern door and drove west, doorfragging (CTRL+Enter) would work because you'd shoot south the moment you exit from the southern door. If you drove east, doorfragging would kill you as you'd shoot south from the northern door - right into the car. Now if you had the pr0 h4x0r skill to enter the car using the northern door, the same rule applies - if you drove west, you'd kill yourself door-fragging because you'd shoot right into the car, but if you drove east, it would work.

You can also use this trick when driving north/south. Same rules applies. If you don't shoot into your car, you live (or you can shoot into your car and survive if you have invulnerability).

You can enter some vehicles using the back door if they have one; might require some 1337 skill.

Re: How to control direction of rocket launcher's shot from

Posted: 06 Dec 2011, 17:55
by elypter
thats also only true if the door you entered is not blocked.